Privacy Policy

The BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis Section website server that provides this web page automatically collects some information when your computer visits this website. We do this primarily for statistical information, for resource planning, and because it may be helpful when we consider how to improve our site for you.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

We do not collect any personal information about visitors to this website. The information we collect about your computer includes:

We do not and will not disclose or transfer any information to third parties except when required to do so by federal statute or court order.


Web servers can generate a piece of information known as a "cookie" and store it on your computer. Some cookies remain on your computer after you have ended your website visit. These types of cookies are called "persistent" cookies. Federal government websites are generally prohibited from using persistent cookies.

Dispute Resolution

If you are concerned that the privacy policy described above is incorrect, misleading, or does not adhere to federal guidelines you may contact the NIH Helpdesk.

Unsolicited Email

Unsolicited e-mail messages sent to NIH may be reviewed by a number of people who are responsible for answering questions. You are advised that if you send us an e-mail message, we cannot guarantee that your e-mail message is secure against interception. If your message includes sensitive information, such as your Social Security Number or personal health information, you may prefer to contact us by postal mail or telephone rather than by e-mail.