Office of Logistics and Acquisition Operations
Shipment Services 
Delivery Services 
Government Vehicles 

General Shipment Guidelines
  • What services do we provide?

    We provide shipping services for both domestic and international inbound and outbound shipments. We provide packaging services (for non-perishable, non-infectious items only ) for outbound shipments that we pick up or receive from the NIH Campus Area.

  • What will our Freight Forwarding team pick up?

    Our Freight Forwarding Team will pick up packages in the NIH Campus area for outbound shipments that are less than fifty (50) pounds each with one exception. This exception is for shipments of hazardous materials (including dry ice). Our Freight Forwarding Team will pick up ALL shipments with hazardous materials (including dry ice) regardless of weight. We will not pick up certain items (i.e. live animals) but will arrange for shipping/receiving once we receive the proper paperwork.

  • What must be shipped through Freight Forwarding?

    All packages containing hazardous materials (including dry ice and/or infectious substances), domestic non-contract and international shipments must be sent through the Freight Forwarding Section.

  • When do we send outbound shipments?

    We send outbound shipments Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. To ensure that your package is sent out today, it must be delivered to our office by 2:30 pm or called in for pick up by 1:00 pm. Please keep in mind that if your packages are over fifty (50) pounds each, unless the items are hazardous materials including dry ice and infectious substances, that you will have to request pick up by the Relocation Team. The Relocation Team requires twenty-four (24) hours advanced notice for pick ups. If your item is too large or requires special conditions (i.e. live animals), we will arrange for carrier pick up from or delivery to you.

  • What is standard shipping procedure?

    Manual issuance 26101-42-F - Shipping Policies and Procedures includes information on shipping and receiving.An outline of this manual issuance follows:

    A. Purpose
    B. Shipping/Receiving Definitions
    C. Policy
1. Shipping Authority
2. Excepted Shipments
3. Personal Property Requirements

D. Procedures
1. Procedures Common To All Shipments
2. Shipments with Additional Requirements
a. Shipping Biological Materials
b. Hazardous or infectious shipments
c. Live Animal Shipments (Domestic)
d. Insurance
e. After-Hours Shipments
3. International Shipments
a. Procedures Common To All International Shipments
b. Imports Or Exports Of Biological Materials
c. Dry Ice Shipments
d. Direct-To-Receiver Or Airport Delivery
e. Live Animal Shipments (International)
f. Personal Property
4. Inbound Shipments
a. Information common to all inbound shipments
b. Campus and Local Deliveries
c. Inbound “Collect Shipments
5. Receiving

a. Receipt
b. Inspection
c. Responsible Accountability
d. Order Verification
e. Claims for Damaged Material or Discrepancies

E. Records Retention and Disposal
F. Management Controls

  • Are any special shipping services provided?

    In addition to our other services, we do provide Domestic Same Day Delivery Services (in most cases) as long as your shipment is called in for pick up by 8:00 am or delivered to the Freight Forwarding Section for shipment by 9:00 am. This special service is available to those on or near the NIH Campus but is very costly. Same day delivery services generally cost upwards of ten or more times the cost of next day or standard delivery services.
  • Where do we ship?

    We ship domestically and internationally throughout the entire world.
  • When are temporary import bonds required?

    To find out all you need to know about temporary import bonds, see manual issuance 26101-41-F - Temporary Import Bonds.

  • How do we receive shipments?

    The NIH Campus and NIH activities in the surrounding area have no designated central receiving areas or activity. As a rule, shippers must route inbound shipments directly to the receiver's room or laboratory. Individuals or activities consigned deliveries must complete receiving activities as described in Section 5 Receiving of manual issuance 26101-42-F - Shipping Policies and Procedures.

Other Than Household Goods
 •Domestic versus International Shipments, Forms, Permits and Timelines
 •Establishing and Maintaining Domestic Express Delivery Services Account (Current Contractor – FedEx)
 •Feedback and Contact Information
 •General Shipment Guidelines
 •Handling Outbound International and Non-Contract Shipments
 •Pre-Shipment Considerations
 •Processing Inbound Collect and Third Party Carrier Invoices
 •Shipment Order Placement and Tracking
 •Shipments of Live Animals
 •Shipments of Printed Matter, General Commodities, Exhibits and Equipment
 •Shipments of Specimens and Chemicals