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View PSI meetings.

Concept Clearance: High-Throughput Structural Biology

January 23, 2009

Protein Structure Initiative Advisory Committee (PSIAC): Recommendations for the Future of the PSI

January 2009

Joint Meeting of the Research Center Directors and the PSI Advisory Committee (PSIAC) and Meeting of the PSI Network Steering Committee

December 10-11, 2008

Meeting of the PSI Steering Committee

December 10-11, 2008

Report of the Future Structural Genomics Initiatives Meeting

October 30-31, 2008

Joint Meeting of the Research Center Directors and the PSI Advisory Committee (PSIAC)

 December 5-6, 2007

Meeting of the PSI Steering Committee

 December 5-6, 2007

Report of the Protein Structure Initiative Assessment Panel

December 2007

Protein Structure Initiative Update

May 2007

PSI Steering Subcommittee on Inter-Center Relationships

December 7, 2006

Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Recommendations on Target Selection for PSI-2 Large-scale Research Centers

December 7, 2006 

PSI Steering Subcommittee on Community Interactions

December 7, 2006 

Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Steering Subcommittee on Goals and Milestones

June 7, 2007

Joint Meeting of the Research Center Directors and the Protein Structure Initiative Advisory Committee (PSIAC)

December 7-8, 2006

Fifth Workshop on Target Selection for the Protein Structure Initiative

June 26-27, 2006

Joint Meeting of the Research Center Directors and the Protein Structure Initiative Advisory Committee (PSIAC)

December 8-9, 2005

2005 Protein Structure Initiative Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop

February 2-3, 2005

Joint Meeting of the Research Center PIs and the PSI Advisory Council (PSIAC)

October 28-29, 2004 

2004 PSI Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop

March 29-31, 2004

Protein Structure Initiative Workshop on Target Selection

November 13-14, 2003

Concept Clearance for the PSI-2 Production Phase

September 11-12, 2003

PSI Data Management Workshop

July 10-11, 2003

PSI Report to National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council

May 15, 2003

Report to NIH Council on the Overall Progress of the Protein Structure Initiative

March 27-28, 2003

Joint Meeting of the NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative Principal Investigators and Advisory Committee

November 14-15, 2002

NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative Protein Production Workshop

March 7-8, 2002

Second Annual Meeting of Protein Structure Initiative Participants

October 22-23, 2001

Second International Structural Genomics Meeting Task Force Reports

April 4-6, 2001

Slides from the Panel Discussion at the 13th Symposium of the Protein Society

July 26, 1999

NIGMS Structural Genomics Targets Workshop

February 11-12, 1999

NIGMS Structural Genomics Project Planning Meeting

November 24, 1998

NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative Meeting Summary

April 24, 1998

This page last updated January 27, 2009