Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk/Bike 5 16 Baecke PAQ How many minutes do you walk or cycle per day to and from work, school and shopping? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work/School/Shopping -- I --
Walk/Bike 14 2 Central Sweden PAQ Mark your usual physical activity during the previous year. Walking/Bicycling Y/N Year -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- I Questions assigned mean MET values.
Walk/Bike 16 3a EPIC PAQ In a typical week during the past year did you practice any of these activities vigorously? (Walking/Biking) Y/N Week -- -- -- Exer. -- -- I --
Walk/Bike 16 3b EPIC PAQ How many hours per week in total did you practice such vigorous physical activities? (Walking/Biking) -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Walk/Bike 18 b The Family Breast and Ovarian Cancer Study Moderate Exercise: How often did you participate in moderate activities? (Brisk walking, cycling) Please estimate the average amount of time each week. -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D Various age categories doing life time
Walk/Bike 18 b The Family Breast and Ovarian Cancer Study Moderate Exercise: How often did you participate in moderate activities? (Brisk walking, cycling) Please estimate the average number of months each year. -- Year Months -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk/Bike 30 20 Kaiser PA Survey How many minutes a day do you usually walk/bike to and from work, school or errands? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work/School/Errands -- D --
Walk/Bike 33 5 KIHD 24 Hour Total PA Record Record all activity for each 30 minute period per day: walking/light bicycling -- Day -- Min. -- Lei./Trans./Exer. -- Y I --
Walk/Bike 39 6a2 Modifiable Activity Questionnaire Occasional/short distance walking on job: for this job category, minutes per day you walk or bike to/from work? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk/Bike 39 6b2 Modifiable Activity Questionnaire Continuous walking on job: for this job category, minutes per day you walk or bike to/from work? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk/Bike 40 1b Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average months in past year you walk or bike to work? -- Year Months -- -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk/Bike 40 1c Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average days in past week you walk or bike to work? -- Week Days -- -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk/Bike 40 1d Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average minutes per day you walk or bike to work? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk/Bike 47 a NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Over the past 30 days, have you walked or bicycled as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands? Y/N 30 Days -- -- -- Trans. Work/School/Errands -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 PAQ050 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Over the past 30 days, how often did you do this: walk or bicycle as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands? -- 30 Days Times -- -- Trans. Work/School/Errands -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 PAQ080 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) On those days when you walked or bicycled, about how long did you spend altogether doing this? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/School/Errands -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 b NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Over the past 30 days, did you do any vigorous activities for at least 10 minutes that caused heavy sweating...? (running, fast bicycling) Y/N 30 Days -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 c NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Over the past 30 days, what vigorous activities did you do? Walking/Bicycling Y/N 30 Days -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 PAQ320 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, did you do moderate activities for at least 10 minutes that caused light sweating...? (brisk walking, bicycling for pleasure) Y/N 30 Days -- -- -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 PAQ340 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, what activities did you do? Walking/Bicycling Y/N 30 Days -- -- -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.