Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk 1 LOG1a Ainsworth New PAQ and PA Log PA Log (Transportation) Did you do this activity today : Walk to work, school, shopping? Y/N Day -- -- -- Trans. Work/School/Shopping Y D --
Walk 1 LOG1b Ainsworth New PAQ and PA Log PA Log (Transportation) How long did you do this activity today: walk to work, school, shopping? -- Day -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/School/Shopping Y D --
Walk 4 8a Auckland Heart Study (AHS) PAQ How many minutes per day would you spend walking to work? -- Day -- Min. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk 4 8b Auckland Heart Study (AHS) PAQ How many days per week do you spend walking to work? -- Week Days -- -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk 15 27a CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week in the last 4 weeks did you walk to do errands? Y/N Week -- -- -- Trans. Errands -- D --
Walk 15 27b CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many times a week week did you - Walk to do errands? -- Week Times -- -- Trans. Errands -- D --
Walk 15 27c CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you walk to do errands? -- Week -- Hr. -- Trans. Errands -- D --
Walk 17 A1 EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Home Activities: Which form of transportation do you use most often apart from your journey to and from work: walk? Y/N -- -- -- -- Trans. -- -- I Record distance of journey in mile categories.
Walk 17 A2 EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Home Activities: Distance traved when you use this form of transportation: walk? -- -- -- -- Miles Trans. -- -- I Record distance of journey in mile categories.
Walk 17 Job 1- 2b EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ How did you normally travel to Job 1 or 2: by walking? (see scale) -- -- -- -- -- Trans. Work -- I Scale=A/U/O/N= Always/Usually/Occasionally/Never
Walk 23 2 Health Insurance Plan of New York City Activity Questionnaire Physical Activity Connected with Job: Walking to get to and from work (Distance in blocks) -- -- -- -- Blocks Trans. Work -- D Distance recorded in blocks(scale)
Walk 26 12 International PAQ (Long-Self Administered) During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes, to go from place to place? -- Week Days -- -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I Young and Middle-aged Adults 15 -69
Walk 26 13 International PAQ (Long-Self Administered) How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days walking from place to place? -- Day -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I Young and Middle-aged Adults 15 -69
Walk 29 12 International PAQ (Long-Telephone) During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes, to go from place to place? -- Week Days -- -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I --
Walk 29 13a International PAQ (Long-Telephone) How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days walking from place to place? -- Day -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I --
Walk 29 13b International PAQ (Long-Telephone) What is the total amount of time you spen tover the last 7 days walking from place to place? -- Week -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I --
Walk 37 1 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ Do you walk outside? (Walking to go shopping or doing other daily activities) Y/N -- -- -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 37 2 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ Did you walk during the past 2 weeks? Y/N 2 Weeks -- -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 37 3 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How many times did you walk during the past 2 weeks? -- 2 Weeks Times -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 37 4 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How long do you usually walk each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 38 A2a Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: walk to work? Y/N Year -- -- -- Trans. Work -- D --
Walk 38 A2b Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Number of months of activity per year: walk to work? -- Year Months -- -- Trans. Work -- D --
Walk 38 A2c Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Average number of times per month: walk to work? -- Month Times -- -- Trans. Work -- D --
Walk 38 A2d Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: Walk to work? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work -- D --
Walk 41 17 Monica Optional Study of PA (MOSPA) Going to or from work, school or shopping, how much time do you spend walking each day? -- Day -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/Errands -- I --
Walk 57 1d1 Postmenopausal Osteopenia PAQ On your way to and from work, how long do you spend per week walking? -- Week -- Min. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk 57 LT1 Postmenopausal Osteopenia PAQ Leisure time activities: how long do you spend walking in an average week? -- Week -- Hr. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk 63 Ca1a Short Questionnaire to Access Health-Enhancing PA (SQUASH) How many days per week you performed the following activities: Walking to/from work or school -- Week Days -- -- Trans. Work/School -- I Effort = Slow/Moderate/Fast
Walk 63 Ca1b Short Questionnaire to Access Health-Enhancing PA (SQUASH) Average time per day: Walking to/from work or school -- Day -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/School -- I Effort = Slow/Moderate/Fast
Walk 64 1b Stanford Usual PAQ Do you usually participate in any of the following activities? Walking instead of driving a short distance. Y/N -- -- -- -- Trans. -- -- D --
Walk 64 1c Stanford Usual PAQ Do you usually participate in any of the following activities? Parking away from your destination so you have to walk more. Y/N -- -- -- -- Trans. -- -- D --
Walk 64 1e Stanford Usual PAQ Do you usually participate in any of the following activities? Getting off at a bus stop which is not the one nearest your destination and walking. Y/N -- -- -- -- Trans. -- -- D --
Walk 66 B7a Techumseh Occupational PAQ Check the months you used this kind of transportation to and from each job. Walk -- Year Months -- -- Trans. Work -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 B8a Techumseh Occupational PAQ What is the approximate round trip distance that you walked to and from each of your jobs in miles or blocks? -- Occasion -- -- Miles/Blocks Trans. Work -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 B9 Techumseh Occupational PAQ In the months that you walked to work, how many times per month did you usually do this? -- Month Times -- -- Trans. Work -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.