Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk 15 25c CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many total hours per week did you - Walk uphill or hike uphill ? -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 15 26c CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many total hours per week did you - Walk fast or briskly for exercise? -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 15 27c CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you walk to do errands? -- Week -- Hr. -- Trans. Errands -- D --
Walk 15 28c CHAMPS Activities Questionaire for older adults In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you walk leisurely for exercise or pleasure? -- Week -- Hr. -- Lei. -- -- D --
Walk 16 2a EPIC PAQ In a typical week, during the last 12 months, (in the summer), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: walking? -- Week -- Hr. -- Lei./Trans. Work/Errands -- I In the Summer/In the Winter Categories
Walk 16 2b EPIC PAQ In a typical week during the last 12 months (in the winter), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: walking? -- Week -- Hr. -- Lei./Trans. Work/Errands -- I In the Summer/In the Winter Categories
Walk 17 B1b EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Activity levels at work: hours per week you walk at work carrying nothing heavier than a breifcase....? -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I --
Walk 17 B2b EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Activity levels at work: hours per week you walk at work carrying something heavy? -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I --
Walk 24 2c Historical Leisure Activity Questionnaire Historical Activities; Number of hours per week walking for exercise (see Age periods) -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/Wk Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49; >50
Walk 40 3c Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of hours per week you walked. -- Week -- Hr. -- Lei. -- -- I Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/wk Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49, >50
Walk 57 1c Postmenopausal Osteopenia PAQ At work, how many hours per week do you spend walking? -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I --
Walk 57 LT1 Postmenopausal Osteopenia PAQ Leisure time activities: how long do you spend walking in an average week? -- Week -- Hr. -- Trans. Work -- I --
Walk 66 C 17b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend walking at work, not carrying anything (between buildings/in hallways/roving store clerk) -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 C 18b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend walking at work, carrying something (trays, dishes) -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 C 19b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend standing or walking at work, carrying objects 25 pounds. -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 C 20b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend standing or walking at work, carrying objects 50 pounds. -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 C 21b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend standing or walking at work, carrying objects 75 pounds. -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 66 C 22b Techumseh Occupational PAQ Hours per week you spend standing or walking at work, carrying objects 100 pounds. -- Week -- Hr. -- Occup. -- -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 69 a Yale PA Survey for Older Adults Exercise:How much time you spent doing this activity during a typical week? Brisk walking (10+ minutes in duration) -- Week -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D Intensity
Walk 69 c Yale PA Survey for Older Adults Recreational Activities: How much time you spent doing this activity during a typical week? Leisurely walking (10+ minutes in duration) -- Week -- Hr. -- Lei. -- -- D --

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.