Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk 25 4d Historical PA Survey Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of hours per month walking for exercise (at various age periods) -- Month -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/mo Ages: 14-21; 23-34; 35-50; 50+
Bike 25 4h Historical PA Survey Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of hours per month bicycling (at various age periods) -- Month -- Hr. -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/mo Ages: 14-21; 23-34; 35-50; 50+
Walk 32 1b KIHD 12 Month Leisure-time PA History What duration per month: walking on work trips? -- Month -- Hr./Min. -- Occup. -- -- I Intensity class (0-3)
Walk 32 2b KIHD 12 Month Leisure-time PA History What duration per month :conditioning walking ? -- Month -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- I Intensity class (0-3)
Bike 32 4a KIHD 12 Month Leisure-time PA History How many times per month: bicycling on work trips? -- Month -- Hr./Min. -- Occup. -- -- I Intensity class (0-3)
Bike 32 4b KIHD 12 Month Leisure-time PA History What duration per month: bicycling on work trips? -- Month -- Hr./Min. -- Occup. -- -- I Intensity class (0-3)

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.