Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk 2 10d Allied Dunbar Survey of Activity and Health How long did you spend walking on the most recent occasion you did a walk of 2 miles or more? -- Most Recent -- Hr./Min. Miles -- -- -- I --
Walk 3 a3 Arizona Activity Frequency Questionnaire How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): walking upstairs or using a stair climber? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 3 b3 Arizona Activity Frequency Questionnaire How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): walking (include on a treadmill and walking to the store)? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Lei./Trans. Store -- D --
Bike 3 c3 Arizona Activity Frequency Questionnaire How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): bicycling for pleasure or transportation? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Lei./Trans. -- -- D --
Walk 3 d3 Arizona Activity Frequency Questionnaire How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): hiking? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 9 c Campbell Survey on Well-Being in Canada PA Monitor Average time per occasion you have (walked for exercise)? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Bike 9 f Campbell Survey on Well-Being in Canada PA Monitor Average time per occasion you have (bicycled)? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Walk 10 4c CANADA Fitness Survey Questionnaire Activities in the past year: Walking for exercise / Average # of minutes spent on each occasion. -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Bike 10 4f CANADA Fitness Survey Questionnaire Activities in the past year: Bicycling / Average # of minutes spent on each occasion. -- Occasion -- Min. -- -- -- -- I --
Walk 17 C2 EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: walking for pleasure? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei. -- -- I --
Bike 17 C4 EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: racing or rough terrain cycling? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei. -- -- I --
Bike 17 C6 EPIC-NORFOLK PAQ Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: cycling for pleasure? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei. -- -- I --
Walk 37 4 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How long do you usually walk each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Bike 37 8 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How long do you usually cycle each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 38 A1d Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: Walk for pleasure? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei. -- -- D --
Walk 38 A2d Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: Walk to work? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work -- D --
Walk 38 A3d Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: Walk during work breaks? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 38 A4d Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: bicycling to work or for pleasure? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei./Trans. -- -- D --
Walk 38 B4 Minnesota Leisure-Time PAQ Amount of time per occasion: jog/walk combination? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 39 1a4 Modifiable Activity Questionnaire Average number of minutes each time: bicycling for exercise? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Walk 39 2a4 Modifiable Activity Questionnaire Average number of minutes each time: walking for exercise? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- I --
Walk 46 2a1c National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 On average, about how many minutes did you actually spend walking for exercise each time? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 46 2a7c National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 On average, about how many minutes did you actually spend riding a bicycle or exercise bike each time? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk/Bike 47 PAQ080 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) On those days when you walked or bicycled, about how long did you spend altogether doing this? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Trans. Work/School/Errands -- D --
Bike 47 PAQ300_13 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you bicycle each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 47 PAQ300_42 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you walk each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 47 PAQ420_13 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you bicycle each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 47 PAQ420_42 NHANES PA and Physical Fitness PAQ (version 1998) Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you walk each time? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- Lei./Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 51 15d One-Page Questionnaire of Physical Activity - Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Study When you walk for exercise: what is your usual pace (minutes)? -- Occasion -- Min. -- Exer. -- -- D Casual:each mile=30+ min / Moderate: ech mile =20-29 min / Fast: each mile= <19 min
Walk 59 1c Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For walking, how many miles per workout? -- Occasion -- -- Miles -- -- -- D --
Walk 59 1d Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For walking, the average duration per workout? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- -- -- -- D --
Bike 59 2c Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For bicycling, how many miles per workout? -- Occasion -- -- Miles -- -- -- D --
Bike 59 2d Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For bicycling, the average duration per workout? -- Occasion -- Hr./Min. -- -- -- -- D --
Walk 66 B8a Techumseh Occupational PAQ What is the approximate round trip distance that you walked to and from each of your jobs in miles or blocks? -- Occasion -- -- Miles/Blocks Trans. Work -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Bike 66 B8b Techumseh Occupational PAQ What is the approximate round trip distance that you bicycled to and from each of your jobs in miles or blocks? -- Occasion -- -- Miles/Blocks Trans. Work -- I At Job 1, Job 2 , Job 3
Walk 67 2 Walking Adherence Questionaire The walking routine that I try to complete consists of walking: (# minutes) -- Occasion -- Min. -- -- -- Y   --
Walk 67 3 Walking Adherence Questionaire The walking routine that I try to complete consists of walking:(How many miles each session?) -- Occasion -- -- Miles -- -- Y   --
Walk 69 3b Yale PA Survey for Older Adults When you did walk for how many minutes did you do it? -- Occasion -- Min. -- -- -- -- D --
Bike 71 2ex National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What is the primary reason you never ride a bike in the summer? Bad weather-wrong season/ Too busy- no opportunity/ Bike is broken / No safe place to ride / Disability / Don't have access to bike / Other transportation is faster / Don't know how to ride a bike -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Bad weather-wrong season/ Too busy- no opportunity/ Bike is broken / No safe place to ride / Disability / Don't have access to bike / Other transportation is faster / Don't know how to ride a bike
Bike 71 4 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How many days ago was the last day you rode a bike? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Bike 71 5 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How many trips did you make on this most recent day you rode your bike? -- Most Recent Times -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Bike 71 6&10x National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) Thinking about the last day you rode your bike, what was your starting point for this trip / where did this trip end? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Home/Friend or Relative's Home/Work/School/Park/Store/Mall/Restaurant:Train/Subway/Bus Station
Bike 71 7&11 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What time did you begin this trip/About what time did you get to your destination? -- Most Recent -- Hr./Min. -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Bike 71 8&12x National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) Thinking about the last day you rode your bike, what was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started/ended your trip? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Residental / Commercial / Public Buildings / Industrial / Argricultural / Recretional
Bike 71 9&13x National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) Was the starting/ending point in a downtow-city area / urban or suburban area / rural town or farm -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Downtow-city area / urban or suburban area / rural town or farm
Bike 71 9ax National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What was the main purpose of this trip? Commuting to work or school/Recreation/Exercise/Personal Errands/Job/Droff off Someone/Visit a friend -- Most Recent -- -- -- All -- -- D Commuting to work or school/Recreation/Exercise/Personal Errands/Job/Droff off Someone/Visit a friend
Bike 71 14 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How far did you bike on this trip? -- Most Recent -- -- Blocks/Miles/KM -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Bike 71 41 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) Compared to about a year ago, would you say you are now riding a bike more often, less often or about the same amount? -- Occasion -- -- -- -- -- -- D Scale: More often/ Less often/ About the same amount
Walk 71 52e National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What is the primary reason you never walk in the summer? Bad weather-wrong season/ Too busy- no opportunity/ Bike is broken / No safe place to ride / Disability / Don't have access to bike / Other transportation is faster / Don't know how to ride a bike -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Walk 71 54 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How many days ago was the last day you walk? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Walk 71 55 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How many trips did you make on this most recent day you walked? -- Most Recent Times -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Walk 71 56&60x National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What was your starting point for this (walking) trip / where did this trip end? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Home/Friend or Relative's Home/Work/School/Park/Store/Mall/Restaurant:Train/Subway/Bus Station
Walk 71 57&61x National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) What time did you begin this (walking) trip/About what time did you get to your destination? -- Most Recent -- Hr./Min. -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Walk 71 -- National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) Was the starting/ending point in a downtow-city area / urban or suburban area / rural town or farm (for this walking trip)? -- Most Recent -- -- -- -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information
Walk 71 80 National Survey of Ped and Bic Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAD) How far did you walk on this trip? -- Most Recent -- -- Blocks/Miles/KM -- -- -- D Miscellaneous Information

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.