Physical Activity Questionnaire Search Results

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Mode Survey # Question # Survey Name Brief Description Screener Interval Unit of Activity Duration of Activity Distance Units Purpose Used as transport to/from: Survey has Log or Diary International / Domestic Comments
Walk 4 9a Auckland Heart Study (AHS) PAQ Have you done any brisk walking on a regular basis = once per 2 weeks in last 3 months Y/N 3 Months -- -- -- Lei. -- -- I Unsual ask
Bike 24 1a Historical Leisure Activity Questionnaire Historical Activities; Number of years bicycling (see Age periods) -- Lifetime Years -- -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/Wk Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49; >50
Walk 24 2a Historical Leisure Activity Questionnaire Historical Activities;Number of years walking for exercise (see Age periods) -- Lifetime Years -- -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/Wk Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49; >50
Walk 25 4b Historical PA Survey Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of years walking for exercise? (at various age periods) -- Lifetime Years -- -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/mo Ages: 14-21; 23-34; 35-50; 50+
Bike 25 4f Historical PA Survey Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of years bicycling? (at various age periods) -- Lifetime Years -- -- Exer. -- -- D Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/mo Ages: 14-21; 23-34; 35-50; 50+
Walk 35 1a Lifetime PAQ Activities you have participated in more than 10 times in a lifetime: Have you participated in walking for exercise Y/N Lifetime -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D Over various Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/wk Ages: 51-65; 35-50; 22-34; onset of menstruation-21
Bike 35 2a Lifetime PAQ Activities you have participated in more than 10 times in a lifetime: Have you participated in walking for exercise Y/N Lifetime -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D Over various Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Hrs/wk Ages: 51-65; 35-50; 22-34; onset of menstruation-21
Walk 37 2 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ Did you walk during the past 2 weeks? Y/N 2 Weeks -- -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Walk 37 3 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How many times did you walk during the past 2 weeks? -- 2 Weeks Times -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Bike 37 6 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ Did you cycle in the past 2 weeks? Y/N 2 Weeks -- -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Bike 37 7 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) PAQ How many times did you cycle in the past 2 weeks? -- 2 Weeks Times -- -- Trans. Shopping/Activities -- I --
Bike 40 2a Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of years per age period (12-18) (19-34)(35-49(>50) you bicycled. -- Lifetime Years -- -- Lei. -- -- I Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49, >50; Past Year Past Week
Walk 40 3a Modifiable Activity Questionnaire/Pima Indian Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of years per age period (12-18) (19-34)(35-49(>50) you walked. -- Lifetime Years -- -- Lei. -- -- I Time and Age Periods:Yrs; Mo/yr; Ages: 12-18; 19-34; 35-49, >50; Past Year Past Week
Walk 46 2a1a National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 In the past 2 weeks have you done any of the following exercises, sports or physically active hobbies: Walking for exercise? Y/N 2 Weeks -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 46 2a1b National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 How many times in the past 2 weeks did you do: Walking for exercise? -- 2 Weeks Times -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 46 2a7a National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 In the past 2 weeks have you done any of the following exercises, sports or physically active hobbies: Riding a bicycle or exercise bike? Y/N 2 Weeks -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Bike 46 2a7b National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1991 How many times in the past 2 weeks did you do: Riding a bicycle or exercise bike? -- 2 Weeks Times -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 51 15 One-Page Questionnaire of Physical Activity - Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Study In the past 10 years, did you walk for exercise? (At least once a week for a year) Y/N 10 Years -- -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 51 15a One-Page Questionnaire of Physical Activity - Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Study How many years in the past 10 years, did you walk for exercise? -- 10 Years Years -- -- Exer. -- -- D --
Walk 59 1a Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For the last 3 months, which of the following activities have you preformed regularly: Walking? Y/N 3 Months -- -- -- -- -- -- D --
Bike 59 2a Quantitative PA Recall Questions - Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study For the last 3 months, which of the following activities have you preformed regularly: Bicycling? Y/N 3 Months -- -- -- -- -- -- D --

Hosted by the Applied Research Program at the National Cancer Institute.