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Planning and Space Management Supporting NIH priorities by providing safe, secure, sound, healthy, and attractive facilities

Stone House

Building 16 Stone House


Building 16, the Lawton Chiles International House, also known as the Stone House, is named for the late Governor Lawton Chiles of Florida.  The building was constructed in the 1930s and was the residence of G. Freeland Peter and Lulie Whitcock Peter.  In 1949 it was acquired by NIH in the purchase of the 47.9 acre Peter estate.  The Stone House is home to the Fogarty International Center (FIC), the international component of the NIH.  The Center supports and advances the NIH mission through international partnerships that address global health challenges with collaborative research and training programs hosting senior scientists and academics visiting the Center for short periods to conduct studies and address issues critical to global health.  The FIC also hosts international activities related to biomedical research and global health, including small seminars, international conferences, and receptions for visiting heads of state and other dignitaries.

The nearest NIH Shuttle Stop is at Building 12.

Building Other Names:

Building 16; Lawton Chiles International House

Bethesda Campus

Available Service(s):

Facility Manager Name (Phone):
Edward Kim (301-451-2130)

Senior Building Engineer (Phone):

This page last updated on Sep 03, 2008