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Planning a new IT project?

In the Systems Development Life Cycle, the planning phase includes System Concept Development, Planning, and the Requirements Definition phases.  

System Concept Development Phase

  • Begins when a sponsor identifies a need or an opportunity to develop, enhance, or acquire an information system.
  • Defines the requirement or opportunity, linking it to specific enterprise missions.  (This includes a feasibility study and cost-benefits analysis).
  • May result in an initiation of a project.  

Planning Phase

  • Establishes a comprehensive model of the recommended approach to provide better project definition.
  • Addresses the concept identified in the Concept Development phase, providing the basis for acquiring the resources needed to achieve a solution.
  • Develops a project plan and other planning documents.  

Requirements Analysis Phase

  • Analyzes user needs and develops user requirements.
  • Creates business process model
  • Creates a detailed functional requirements document.
  • Creates conceptual data model
  • Defines inputs, processes, and outputs.  Focuses on what functions must be delivered, rather than how to deliver them.
  • Serves as the basis for the initial test plan and QA plan.    

Before you plan a new IT project, refer to the appropriate Bricks  and Patterns for the latest information on tactical and strategic directions.  

Business requirements may necessitate a temporary exception. The architecture exception process accounts for these exceptions and can be found at Request an Exception.

Last Updated: March 22, 2006