Section on Functional Imaging Methods

The Section on Functional Imaging Methods is currently conducting a search for a new staff scientist 

The Section on Functional Imaging Methods (SFIM), Oct 8, 2008. Front Row, left to right: Peter Bandettini, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Rasmus Birn, Sunil Narayan, Alissa Par, Dan Handwerker. Second Row, left to right: Anthony Boemio, Kay Kuhns, Marieke Mur, Vikas Patel, Masaya Misaki, Dorian Van Tassell (Not pictured: Justin Edmands)

The section on Functional Imaging Methods is within the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition and the National Institute of Mental Health. Functional MRI is a technique that utilizes time series collection of rapidly-obtained magnetic resonance images that are sensitive to localized brain activation induced hemodynamic changes. The utility of Functional MRI (fMRI) has been increasing since it was discovered in 1991. The limits of the technique (spatial and temporal resolution, interpretability of the signal, and applications) are determined by imaging technology, experimental and processing methodology, and the variable and undetermined relationship between neuronal activity and hemodynamic changes.

The Section on Functional Imaging Methods is a team of physicists, psychologists, engineers, neuroscientists, and computer scientists committed to advancing the field of fMRI by developing of improved fMRI data acquisition and processing methodology, shedding light on the relationship between neuronal activity and hemodynamic chagnes, characterizing the sources of artifact and useful information in the signal, and bridging the gap between basic development and research and clinical applications. 

Currently our work includeds understanding and using resting state fluctuations, understanding and modeling the dynamics of the fMRI signal changes, advancing pattern - effect fMRI or fMRI decoding, and advancing high resolution and high field fMRI. 




The Section on Functional Imaging Methods (SFIM), Oct 8, 2008. On top of the NIH NMR Center.