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Comparative Molecular Pathology Unit (CMPU)

Translational research is critical for the discovery, development and delivery of therapies and interventions for combating human disease. A key component of this research process is the ability to translate findings from animal models to the clinical setting. The Center for Cancer Research (CCR), NCI has recognized a need for investigators capable of integrating molecular mechanisms of disease within the complexity of whole living biosystems that have been designed and validated as predictive models of human disease. A foundation for training this kind of translational research investigator incorporates interdisciplinary education in veterinary medicine with training in human biomedical research. To respond to this unmet national research training priority, the intramural research program of the CCR NCI has developed two training programs in collaboration with The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), and The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). These two programs at NIH, Bethesda include:

Comparative Molecular Pathology Research Training
Comparative Molecular Pathology Research Training Program.
This combined comparative pathology and biomedical research training offers an opportunity for doctors of veterinary medicine to earn a Ph.D. and gain eligibility for certification as a medical specialist in veterinary pathology. The combined comparative pathology and biomedical research training, a constituent program of study within the Graduate Partnerships Program, is implemented in conjunction with graduate education partnerships formed at the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine:
  • North Carolina State University - Program in Comparative Biomedical Sciences
  • Michigan State University - Program in Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
  • University of Illinois - Program in Comparative Pathology
  • University of Maryland - Program in Veterinary Medical Sciences

A non-degree postgraduate fellowship training program is also envisioned.

Click here to view the brochure.

Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research for Veterinary Medical Students

Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research for Veterinary Medical Students.
This program is designed to provide a unique research enrichment experience for pre-doctoral veterinary medical students interested in biomedical research.

Click here to view the brochure.