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National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: People, Science, Health
  Welcome to the NHLBI at the Clinical Center

Below you will see photos of the admission area, your first stop in your visit to NIH. There is a photo of a typical room at NIH. All beds have individual phones and televisions. The televison monitor includes a computer to access the internet and ability to play games and DVDs. Pictured below also is the travel office to help you with your itinerary and an aerial view of the hospital as well as our welcoming sign.
Admission waiting area
Typical Patient Room
Admission Waiting Area
Typical Patient Room
Travel Office Photo
NIH Sign at Cedar Lane Entrance
Travel Office
Aerial Vew of the Clinical Center
The Hatfield Center is in the foreground.
The Magnusen Building is taller structure behind it.

Photo of Entrance Signs at Cedar Lane
Welcome Sign at West Drive
and Cedar Lane Entrance

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