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How will CHIS Cancer Control Module data be used?

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data are an important source of information for cancer control researchers. The key advantages of CHIS are:

  • data collection from all of California's 58 counties;
  • racial-ethnic diversity of the California population; and
  • large samples of Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Hispanics and Latinos.

These advantages mean that CHIS can facilitate small area estimation and in-depth examinations of specific population groups that had insufficient numbers for analysis in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The county-specific population estimates will allow researchers to conduct ecologic analysis at the county level (or sub-county level in the case of heavily populated areas.

CHIS is conducted every two years. CHIS Survey Topics include a set of core questions and new questions that are added to address emerging concerns important for service, planning and policy development.

CHIS publications are now available from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Publications from the California Health Interview Surveys using CHIS Cancer Questions are also available at the CHIS Research Clearinghouse. You can visit the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research for many other publications that rely on CHIS data.

Last modified:
21 Jun 2007
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