Major Programs: Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center: Clinical Center Profile 2000-2001

Clinical Research. The Clinical Center departments that conduct clinical research are Anesthesia and Surgical Services, Laboratory Medicine, Critical Care, Hospital Epidemiology, Imaging Sciences (comprising Diagnostic Radiology, the Laboratory of Diagnostic Radiology Research, Nuclear Medicine, and Positron Emission Tomography Departments), Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Medicine, and Transfusion Medicine.

Patient Care and Hospital Operations. Departments that provide direct care and support to patients include Nursing, Clinical Research and Informatics, Networks and Applications, Materials Management, Medical Records, Nutrition, Outpatient, Social Work, Spiritual Ministry, the Patient Representative Program, and Housekeeping and Fabric Care. The Clinical Center also operates a guest house for families of clinical research patients.

Office of the Director. Programs within this office support the management and operational needs of the Clinical Center, including administrative management and planning, patient recruitment and public liaison, communications, the children’s school, clinical bioethics, hospital safety, facilities management, financial management, human resources, and technology transfer.

Education in Clinical Research. The Clinical Center has assumed a broad role in helping prepare the next generation of clinical researchers and strengthen educational opportunities for today’s physician-scientists. New programs include the course, “Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research;” postdoctoral training in clinical pharmacology; a clinical bioethics fellowship; training in biomedical imaging research; and a collaboration with the School of Medicine at Duke University that leads to a graduate degree.

See more information:
Charts of Major Program Activities >
NIH Clinical Center Organizational Chart >
DHHS/NIH Agency Chart >

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