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Parallel Measurements of Multiple Macromolecules Using a Cryoarray

Description of Invention:
Available for license is a new improved technique for the creation of biological arrays of 25-100 biological samples per slide, for use in parallel molecular screening in medical research and clinical diagnostics. Recent advances in genomics, including serial analysis of gene expression, and DNA microarrays have allowed researchers to perform high throughput analysis of gene expression. These experiments generate large amounts of information that must be validated independently, one gene at a time. In particular, there is an increasing demand for protein arrays in order to measure changes in protein expression or post-translational modification of proteins. Current techniques to create protein arrays are deficient because the proteins stick to the arraying pins, and array fabrication at room temperature may destroy the protein structure and function. The CryoArray technology, based on the creation of the arrays at subzero temperature, preserves the stability and functionality of the biological samples, including proteins, and is flexible with respect to the molecular probes it can accommodate. Wells made in a frozen block of embedding material are filled with biological samples, which freeze and bond to the surrounding block. The loaded block is cut in a cryostat to produce up to 800 replicate 4-10 microns thin sections. The samples can include DNA, RNA, and proteins such as antibodies or receptors. Recombinant or native tissue proteins are detected using antibodies; however, the system can be extended for other types of biological assays.

The ability to make multiple (i.e., up to 800) cryosections from one cryoblock enables parallel analysis of many identical arrays. Unlike other proteomic techniques, cryoarrays are easy to use, economical, efficiently use samples with little waste, require only a small volume of sample, and are protein friendly because samples are kept frozen during production. The cryoarray method allows small laboratories without access to expensive arraying equipment to produce many identical arrays with moderate numbers of precious samples. Proteins can be detected in their native configuration, without SDS or formalin. Cryoarrays may be useful for screening small samples of precious biological fluids or tissues for new biomarkers or for rapid screening of monoclonal antibodies. It may be possible to use cryoarrays to also measure protein function and protein-protein interactions.

Robert Star (NIDDK)
Takehiko Miyaji (NIDDK)
Stephen Hewitt (NCI)
Lance Liotta (NCI)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-064-2001/0 --
U.S. Patent No. 6,951,761 issued 04 Oct 2005

Internal Medicine
Infectious Diseases
Gene Based Therapies

Devices/Instrumentation-Research Materials-Instruments
Cancer -Diagnostics
Devices/Instrumentation-Research Materials
Gene Based Therapies -Diagnostics
Infectious Diseases -Diagnostics
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Jeffrey A. James Ph.D.
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: 301-435-5474
Fax: 301-402-0220

Web Ref: 544

Updated: 1/02

