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Plasmid Based Assay for the in vitro Repair of Oxidatively Induced DNA Double Strand Breaks

Description of Invention:
We describe a new non-radioactive, high throughput in vitro assay for the repair of oxidatively induced DNA double-strand breaks by HeLa cell nuclear extracts. The assay measures non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair by employing linear plasmid DNA containing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) produced by either the radiomimetic drug bleomycin or StuI restriction endonuclease. The complex structure of the bleomycin-induced DSB more closely models naturally occurring DSBs than restriction enzyme induced DSBs. Although initial optimization reactions were conducted with these DNA molecules, any double-strand-break-inducing agent may be employed to create the linear DNA substrates used in the assay.

Cellular extraction and initial end-joining reaction conditions were optimized with restriction enzyme cleaved DNA to maximize ligation activity. Several parameters affecting ligation were examined including extract protein concentration, substrate concentration, ATP utilization, reaction time, temperature, and effect of ionic strength. Similar reactions were performed with the bleomycin-linearized substrate. In all cases, end-joined molecules ranging from dimers to higher molecular weight forms were produced and observed directly in agarose gels stained with Vistra Green and imaged with a FluorImager 595. This method permits detection of less than or equal to 0.25 ng double-stranded DNA per band directly in post-electrophoretically stained agarose gels. Therefore, the optimized end joining reactions required only 100 ng or less of substrate DNA, and up to 50% conversion of substrate to product was achieved.

The DSB end structure was shown to directly affect repair of the strand break. Bleomycin-induced DSBs were repaired at a 6-fold lower rate than blunt-ended DNA, and initiation of the reaction lagged behind that of the blunt-end rejoining reaction. Recent experiments have shown repair of DSBs produced by g-rays to be 15-fold less efficient than for DSBs produced by restriction enzyme. While repair of the high-LET-like DSB produced by 125I was near the lower limit of detection. Thus, as the cytotoxicity of the DNA damaging agent increases, the DSB created by the agent is less efficiently repaired.

Repair efficiency is also dependent upon the repair capacity of the cellular extract employed as a source of repair enzymes. These repair activities are known to vary from tissue to tissue, and person to person.

Therefore, by using patient samples as a source of enzyme activities, our method might be employed clinically as a predictive assay for patient sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. Knowledge of a patient's sensitivity to DNA damaging agents may permit more effective choices to be made when selecting treatment options in cases of cancer, and other diseases where DNA damaging agents are commonly used.

Thomas A. Winters
Elzbeitz Pastwa
and Ronald D. Neumann (CC)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-319-00/0 filed 06 Oct 2000

Gene Based Therapies

Cancer -Diagnostics
Gene Based Therapies -Diagnostics

For Additional Information Please Contact:
George Pipia Ph.D.
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: (301) 435-5560
Fax: (301) 402-0220

Web Ref: 494

Updated: 8/01

