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Novel Glycated Peptides and Proteins as Biomarkers for Diabetes Control

Description of Invention:
A primary goal of diabetes therapy is to improve control of blood glucose levels (known as glycemic control) in patients. Prospective studies of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes indicate that careful glycemic control significantly reduces the risk of microvascular, neurological, and cardiovascular complications of diabetes.

The current method to monitor glycemic control is by measurement of the relative concentration of glycated red-cell hemoglobin (HbA1C). However, levels of HbA1C, an intracellular protein, reflect glycemic control over a timeframe of several months. They are also susceptible to a variety of perturbing factors such as hematologic disorders, kidney disease, aspirin or penicillin use, or alcohol intake.

This technology describes a family of novel glycated peptide and protein biomarkers for glycemic control, as well as a method to monitor glycemic control in diabetic patients. In contrast to HbA1C, which is an intracellular protein, the glycated proteins described in this invention are found in blood plasma, and might reflect changes in glycemic control more rapidly, and with more sensitivity. A test developed using this technology could be envisioned to supplement or replace current monitoring of glycemic control by HbA1C. Also described are methods for making antibodies and aptamers that bind the described glycated peptides and proteins, and a database listing glycated peptide concentrations in diabetic and control samples.

  • Diagnostic tool to monitor glycemic control in diabetic or at-risk individuals
  • Markers to track development of diabetes complications
Development Status:
Early stage

Perry J. Blackshear (NIEHS)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-057-2005/0 --
U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/779,710 filed 06 Mar 2006
PCT Application No. PCT/US2007/63385 filed 06 Mar 2007, which published as WO 2007/117794 on 18 Oct 2007
Licensing Status:
This technology is available for exclusive, co-exclusive, or nonexclusive licensing.

Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Office of Clinical Research, is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize this technology. Please contact John S. Penta, Ph.D. at 919-541-3696 or for more information.

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine-Diagnostics-Other
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Tara L. Kirby Ph.D.
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: (301)435-4426
Fax: (301)402-0220

Web Ref: 1347

Updated: 5/06

