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Antibodies That Specifically Recognize S100A15, A Protein Involved in Epidermal Differentiation and Inflammation

Description of Invention:
This technology describes rabbit polyclonal antibodies that recognize the human and mouse S100A15 proteins. S100A15 is involved in epidermal differentiation and inflammation, and is dysregulated in skin tumors and inflammatory psoriasis.

  • Diagnostic tool for evaluation of agents that alter skin pathology
  • Research tool to probe the role of S100A15 during epidermal maturation, skin carcinogenesis, and inflammation
  • Diagnostic tool for the clinical evaluation of skin tumors and inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis
Development Status:
Early stage

Ronald Wolf (NCI)
Stuart H. Yuspa (NCI)
Paul Goldsmith (NCI)
Christopher J. Voscopoulos (NCI)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-145-2006/0 -- Research Tool
Patent protection is not being pursued for this technology.

Relevant Publication:
R Wolf et al. The mouse S100A15 ortholog parallels genomic organization, structure, gene expression, and protein-processing pattern of the human S100A7/A15 subfamily during epidermal maturation. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Jul;126(7):1600-1608. [PubMed abs]

Licensing Status:
Available for non-exclusive licensing under a Biological Materials License.

Internal Medicine

Cancer -Diagnostics-In Vitro-MAb Based
Cancer -Diagnostics
Cancer -Research Materials
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics
Internal Medicine-Research Materials

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Charlene A. Sydnor Ph.D.
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: 301/435-4689
Fax: 301/402-0220

Web Ref: 1345

Updated: 5/06

