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Methods for Diagnoses and Treatment of XSCID

Description of Invention:
The invention provides a method of diagnosing X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID) in males or determining whether females are carriers. This method is based upon the presence of either a mutated or truncated IL-2Rgamma gene. The invention also discloses a method of treating XSCID as well as a method for monitoring the therapy. Lastly, the invention provides a promoter which regulates the expression of IL-2Rgamma, a vector comprising a DNA molecule operably linked to the promoter, a cell host that has been transformed with the vector, and a transgenic mouse comprising the promoter or a mutant IL-2Rgamma.

Potential Area of Application:
  • diagnosing XSCID
  • identifying a carrier
  • treating XSCID
  • monitoring effectiveness of therapy for XSCID
  • research reagent

Main Advantage of Invention:
  • diagnostic test is only way of definitively diagnosing XSCID
  • process for diagnosis is completely developed

Further Development Required:
  • testing of methods for treatment
  • clinical trials

Warren J. Leonard (NHLBI)
Masayuki Noguchi (NHLBI)
Wesley McBride (NCI)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-079-1993/0 --
U.S. Patent No. 5,518,880 issued 21 May 1996, "Methods for Diagnosis of XSCID and Kits Thereof"

DHHS Reference No. E-079-1993/1 --
U.S. Patent No. 5,912,173 issued 15 Jun 1999, "Transgenic Murine Model for XSCID"

Relevant Publication:
  1. Leonard WJ. Dysfunctional cytokine receptor signaling in severe combined immunodeficiency. J Investig Med 1996 Aug;44(6):304-11
  2. Leonard WJ. The molecular basis of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency: defective cytokine receptor signaling. Annu Rev Med 1996;47:229-39
  3. Qazilbash MH, Walsh CE, Russell SM, Noguchi M, Mann MM, Leonard WJ, Liu JM. Retroviral vector for gene therapy of X-linked sever combined immunodeficiency syndrome. J. Hematotherapy, 4, 91-98, 1995.
  4. Leonard WJ; Noguchi M; Russell SM; McBride OW. The molecular basis of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency: the role of the interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain as a common gamma chain, gamma c. Immunol Rev 1994 Apr;138:61-86
  5. Noguchi M, Yi H, Rosenblatt HM, Filipovich AH, Adelstein S, Modi WS, McBride OW, Leonard WJ. Interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain mutation results in X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency in humans. Cell, 73, 147-157, 1993

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine-Diagnostics-Anti-Inflammatory (including Autoimmune)
Internal Medicine-Therapeutics-Anti-Inflammatory (including Autoimmune)
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics
Internal Medicine-Therapeutics
Internal Medicine-Other

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Jennifer Wong
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: (301)435-4633
Fax: (301)402-0220

Web Ref: 129

Updated: 11/93

