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November 2008 • Number 34


A photograph of the IRA Winners: Li Jiao, Dana Van Bemmel, and Rose Yang.

IRA Winners: Li Jiao, Dana Van Bemmel, and Rose Yang.

DCEG Intramural Research Awards (IRAs) are competitive funding opportunities designed to encourage innovative, interdisciplinary research by fellows and tenure-track scientists. The IRA program includes spring and fall cycles with up to three proposals funded per cycle.

The winners of the spring 2008 competition were Li Jiao, M.D., Ph.D., Nutritional Epidemiology Branch, for her proposal, “Advanced glycation end products, insulin resistance, and risk of colorectal cancer—A prospective case-cohort study”; Dana M. Van Bemmel, Ph.D., M.P.H., Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, for “DNA hypomethylation and bladder cancer: A case analysis of the loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 9, aberrant global DNA methylation, and changes in epigenetic protein expression within the New England Bladder Cancer Study”; and Rose Yang, Ph.D., M.P.H., Genetic Epidemiology Branch, for her proposal titled “Genome-wide search for copy number variants that are related to melanoma susceptibility in melanoma-prone families without known mutations.”

Proposals were reviewed by members of the NCI Board of Scientific Counselors and by senior DCEG scientists. The proposals were judged on their potential for significant scientific and public health impact, innovation, interdisciplinary nature, ability to achieve the objectives within the proposed time frame and resources, and relevance to the mission of the Division.

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National Cancer Institute U.S. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health