Version 2.0

[Updated versions of the Tag Set have been released. The current version is available here.]

Version 2.0 was released on December 30, 2004. Following is a list of updates.

The files for Version 2.0 are available:


Tag Library

The Tag Library for version 2.0 is here:

Change Report

There are extensive changes between Version 2.0 of the Journal Publishing Tag Set (hereafter Publishing Tag Set) and earlier Tag Set versions 1.0 and 1.1, but they are mostly modularization and Parameter Entity changes. The content models of this Tag Set have changed very little.

Important Note: Although the changes are fully backwards compatible for XML documents (document instances), the new Publishing Tag Set and the full Tag Suite may not be backwards compatible for all previous customizations.

The changes to the content models and attribute lists in version 2.0 incorporate user suggestions from the June 2004 AIT Working Group meeting and June/July 2004 follow-up list discussions. Publishing Version 2.0 permits more modifications than previous versions and changes the way in which customizations are made. The changes to the modularization include:

User Requested Changes

The Archiving and Interchange Tag Set Working Group (AIT WG) reviewed changes requested by tag set users over the past year and recommended a number of changes to the Archiving and Interchange (Green) Tag Set. Although many of those changes were to make the content models very loose and more descriptive than is appropriate for this Tag Set, some of the changes were appropriate for this Publishing (Blue) Tag Set. Changes are listed in alphabetical order by element name.


Added the following elements:

  • <custom-meta-wrap> (tag set-specific custom metadata)

  • <email>

  • <issue-id> (existing <issue> means issue number)

  • <issue-title>

  • <license>

  • <page-range> (for discontinuous page ranges. Supplements but does not replace first page and last page.)

  • <volume-id> (existing <volume> means volume number)


Added to the following elements: <array>, <boxed-text>, <chem-struct-wrapper>, <disp-quote>, <fig>, <graphic>, <preformat>, <table-wrap>, <table-wrap-foot>, <verse-group>

<contract-name>/ <contract-sponsor>

Added new attributes

  • id (ID)

  • rid (IDREFS)

  • %might-link-atts;


Added %inline-math;

DOI/Object Identifier

New element Object Identifier <object-id> can be used to capture any publisher’s or archive’s ID number. The Object Identifier was modeled as an element rather than as an attribute to allow for multiple IDs.

Used in the following elements: <citation>, <product>, <abstract>, <boxed-text>, <chem-struct-wrapper>, <fig>, <related-article> , <supplementary-material> , <graphic>, <media>, <preformat>, and <table-wrap>.


New sequence attribute “seq” for recording publication sequence


Added optional <label> to the beginning of the model


  • Added to everywhere %inline-display; already was

  • Added <label>, <named-content> to its model


New element to hold an identifier, such as a DOI, that is associated with an issue of a journal (as opposed to the existing element <issue>, which will henceforth be named and defined as the Issue Number). Added to <article-meta>, <citation>, <product>, and <related-article>


Added new element to hold a special issue or theme title. Added to <article-meta>, <citation>, <product>, and <related-article>.


Added optional <label> to the beginning of the model


Added LaTeX as a notation for display and inline formulas. Added “LaTeX” as a potential values for the “notation” attribute, inside %tex-math-atts;


Added reference elements to content

pub-id-types” attribute

Added new values: %pub-id-types;, which is used on <article> and other elements. New values: “pmcid” and “art-access-id”.


Added <issue-id>, <issue-title>, <page-range>, <role>, and <volume-id>


Added reference elements to content. Also added the following attributes:

  • id ID #IMPLIED” attribute, so the related-article can be referenced;

  • ext-link-type”, which indicates the type of link used to point to the related article. The attribute was used with exactly the same content (CDATA) and suggested values as when used with the element <ext-link>

  • issue”, which provides metadata concerning the related article (together with the attributes “vol”, “page”, and “journal-id”)

  • journal-id”, which provides metadata concerning the related article (together with the attributes “vol”, “page”, and “issue”)

  • journal-id-type”, which performs the same function that this attribute performs for the element <journal-id>. The “journal-id” values are the same as those for existing journal identifiers plus “issn

  • alternate-form-of”, which works (similarly to the same attribute when used on a <graphic> element) to point to another <related-article> element within the same document that provides an alternative form of the related article.


Added new element to hold an identifier, such as a DOI, that is associated with a volume of a journal (as opposed to the existing element <volume>, which will henceforth be named and defined as the Volume Number. Added new element to <article-meta>, <citation>, <product>, and <related-article>.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Frequently Asked Questions page is available.

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Last updated: November 21, 2008