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January 30, 2009
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House Bills - 108th Congress

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H.R. 2370—National Resilience Development Act of 2003

On June 6, 2003, Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) introduced H.R. 2370, the National Resilience Development Act of 2003. The legislation would improve homeland security by providing for national resilience in preparation for, and in the event of, a terrorist attack, and for other purposes. A provision of H.R. 2370 would require the Secretary to convene and lead an interagency task force for this purpose that would include the Director of NIMH, as well as the Director of CDC, the Administrator of SAMHSA, and the Surgeon General. The bill was referred to the House Committees on Energy and Commerce, on the Judiciary, and on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Legislative Update (August 2003): National Resilience Development Act



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