Frequently Asked Questions for RFA HL-09-009

Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics II (T15)

Q: Do the PDs/PIs have to be at a biostatistics department?

A: No. Please refer to Eligibility Section of the RFA for more information.

Q: What does “Renewal applications will not be accepted” means under Section III.3?

A: It means this is an RFA for new applications (Type 1), instead of competing continuation application (Type 2). Those funded previously for similar programs must submit a new application. Please refer to the NIH Grants Policy Statement for more information.

Q: What are the allowable costs?

A: The budget should be reasonable and consistent with NIH policy. At the review stage, the priority score will not be affected by the evaluation of the budget. At the award stage, you will be asked to modify the budget if necessary. The costs allowed under RFA HL-03-010 ( will continue to apply.

Q: What start date can be used?

A: The earliest start date is July 1, 2009, and it has to be prior to September 30, 2009.


Last update: November 12, 2008

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