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Robert R. McCrae, Ph.D., Senior Investigator
Personality, Stress and Coping Section
Robert R. McCrae, Ph.D.Dr. McCrae received a B.A. in Philosophy from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in Personality Psychology from Boston University. After three years at the Normative Aging Study in Boston, he joined the NIA to become Research Psychologist and Senior Investigator in the Personality, Stress, and Coping Section, Laboratory of Personality and Cognition. His work has been centered on studies of personality structure (the Five-Factor Model) and assessment (the Revised NEO Personality Inventory) and applications in health and aging.

Research Interests: Personality traits are dimensions of individual differences in the tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions. Traits are important because their influence is pervasive: They affect personal interactions and social support, health habits and somatic complaints, attitudes and values, ways of coping, occupational and recreational interests, and much more. For the past 20 years, research in this laboratory has utilized a particular version of trait structure, the Five-Factor Model, and an instrument developed to assess 30 specific traits that define the five factors, the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). Work in the past year has emphasized basic research on the generalizability of the model and its development in adulthood across cultures.

Contact Information:
Laboratory of Personality and Cognition
Biomedical Research Center, room 04B329
251 Bayview Boulevard, Suite 100
Baltimore, MD 21224-6825

Phone 410-558-8221
Fax 410-558-8108
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Updated: Tuesday October 14, 2008