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Alexei Y. Bagrov, M.D., Ph.D., Investigator
Head, Hypertension Unit
Cardiac Function Section
Alexei Y. Bagrov, M.D., Ph.D.Dr. Bagrov received his M.D. and Ph.D. at Ivan Pavlov Medical University, Leningrad, USSR. He subsequently completed his cardiology training and held clinical and academic appointments in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1992-1994, he worked at the NIA as a Visiting Associate.

Research Interests: We are studying regulation of the activity of Na,K ATPase by endogenous digitalis glycoside-like ligands. The overall objective of our work is to clarify the role of endogenous digitalis-like ligands of the sodium pump (LSP) in the development of hypertension. We have shown that mammalian tissues contain a sodium pump inhibitor, similar to amphibian bufodienolide hormone, marinobufagenin (MBG) MBG and another endogenous inhibitor, ouabain-like compound (OLC) have different sites of origin and different effective stimuli, different kinetics in salt/stress induced hypertension, and interact with different subunits of the Na/K ATPase (NKA).
Our major goals: (i) To define cause and effect relationships between LSP and hypertensive phenotype, (ii) To investigate, in Dahl hypertension, how LSP synergistically with the other vasoconstrictors contribute to cardiovascular remodeling, and whether this synergism involves protein kinase dependent mechanisms, and (iii) To study signaling pathways, which underlie the effects of LSP, and test the hypothesis that protein kinases potentiate the effects of LSP via isoform-specific phosphorylation of the sodium pump. Substantiation of these hypotheses may provide new approaches towards understanding the pathogenesis of NaCl sensitive hypertension and potentially provide new methods of early detection of the risk and prevention of pressor responses to high salt intake.

Contact Information:
Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science
Gerontology Research Center
5600 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224-6825

Phone 410-558-8022
Fax 410-558-8150
E mail

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Updated: Friday May 16, 2008