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Mice with a Conditional LoxP-Flanked Glucosylceramide Synthase Allele Controlling Glycosphingolipid Synthesis

Description of Invention:
Glycosphingolipids are organizational building blocks of plasma membranes that participate in key cellular functions, such as signaling and cell-to-cell interactions. Glucosylceramide synthase - encoded by the Ugcg gene - controls the first committed step in the major pathway of glycosphingolipid synthesis. Global disruption of the Ugcg gene in mice is lethal during gastrulation. The inventors have established a Ugcg allele flanked by loxP sites (floxed). When cre recombinase was expressed in the nervous system under control of the nestin promoter, the floxed gene underwent recombination, resulting in a substantial reduction of Ugcg expression and of glycosphingolipid ganglio-series levels. The mice deficient in Ugcg expression in the nervous system show a striking loss of Purkinje cells and abnormal neurologic sphingo-lipid behavior.

The Research Tools available are mice with a floxed Ugcg allele that can be deleted in a conditional manner. These mice carrying floxed Ugcg alleles will be useful for delineating the functional roles of glycosphingolipid synthesis in the nervous system and in other physiologic systems.

  • Study of the functional roles of glycosphingolipid synthesis in the nervous system and other physiologic systems.
  • The floxed Ugcg allele will facilitate analysis of the function of glycosphingolipids in development, physiology, and in diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
Development Status:
Ready to Use

Richard L. Proia (NIDDK)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-320-2007/0 -- Research Material
Patent protection is not being pursued for this technology.

Relevant Publication:

T Yamashita, ML Allende, DN Kalkofen, N Werth, K Sandhoff, RL Proia. Conditional LoxP-flanked glucosylceramide synthase allele controlling glycosphingolipid synthesis. Genesis 2005 Dec;43(4):175-180. [PubMed abs]

Licensing Status:

Available for licensing under a Biological Materials license agreement.

Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The NIDDK Genetics of Development and Disease Branch is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize the sphingolipid metabolism in physiology and disease. Please contact Dr. Proia at for more information.

Research Materials

Devices/Instrumentation-Research Materials
Research Materials-Research Materials

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Sury Vepa PhD
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: 301/435-5020
Fax: 301/402-0220

Web Ref: 1857

Last Updated On: 12/08
