Section on Molecular Biophysics
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This Section examines the forces governing the organization of molecular assemblies. We study a selection of DNA, protein, and lipid systems to understand general phenomena commonly described in term of molecular crowding, hydration, and binding. A primary goal is to characterize and codify measured electrostatic, van der Waals and hydration forces in such a way as to be used in computation and design of targeted measurements. Our undertaking is strengthened by a strong foundation in physical theory, in particular statistical mechanics as applied to liquid crystals and to complex fluids.

Section Head:
V. Adrian Parsegian, Ph.D.
Immersed in water, lipids often form multilayers, here modeled by all-atom computer simulations
"" Lipid interactions
"" Van der Waals Forces
"" Protein Folding in Crowded Environments
"" Molecular Association of Cyclodextrin in Cosolutes
"" Lipid-DNA Complexes
"" Physics of DNA
"" Osmotic Stress Method
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National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NICHD National Institutes of Health NIH U.S. Department of Health and Human Services DHHS
Laboratory of Physical and Structural Biology