Trans-NIH Systems Biology Workshop - 2008


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Air date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 1:00:00 PM
Category: Structural Biology
Runtime: 240 minutes
NLM Title: Trans-NIH Systems Biology Workshop - 2008 [electronic resource] / Keji Zhao ... [et al.].
Author: Zhao, Keji.
Trans-NIH Systems Biology Workshop
Publisher: [Bethesda, Md. : National Institutes of Health, 2008]
Abstract: (CIT): This is a new workshop established with the Trans-NIH Initiative in Systems Biology. The workshop is structured to promote scientific discussion and inform colleagues about work that may be related or complementary to their own research. The half-day session has six 30 minute presentations with each followed by a discussion period. Refreshments will be served during the break to encourage informal discussion. All are invited to attend and to consider presenting at future workshops.
Subjects: Systems Biology
Publication Types: Congresses
Government Publications
NLM Classification: QU 26.5
NLM ID: 101475711
CIT File ID: 14489
CIT Live ID: 6775
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