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 Volume V, Issue 3 June 2004 
Project Profile: BOW Breast Cancer Treatment Effectiveness in Older Women
CRN VDW The Anti-Estrogen Diffusion Project needed to get some numbers to look at the feasiblility of doing a project describing the changes in prescription of tamoxifen and anastrozole for the treatment of early stage breast cancer. To do this, Roy Pardee at Group Health, wrote a SAS program using the Tumor and RX areas of the CRN VDW. We sent it out to the sites and requested a 1-week turnaround. The outcome surpassed our expectations.

    Of 11 HMOs:
  • 2 sites were done within a few hours
  • 3 more sites done within 4 days
  • 1 site completed in 3 weeks
  • 1 site did not complete
  • 4 sites have no tumor registy and count not perform this task

The turnaround was quite fast and most Site Data Managers reported that the program was quick to run. We also learned some things. Roy is writing a VDW Users Guide to pass on our learnings and help other projects go more smoothly.


    Three new grants will be submitted to NCI on June 1:
  • Carol Somkin: "Increasing Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials"
  • Mark Hornbrook: "Medical Care Burden of Cancer: System and Data Issues"
  • Joann Elmore: "Clinical Breast Examination: Improving Accuracy Among Health Plan Enrollees"

<< Page 3

The 10th Annual HMO Research Network Meeting, hosted by Henry Ford Health Systems, was held in Dearborn, MI from May 3 - 5, 2004. CRN members took full advantage of the opportunity to meet in person with their project and committee colleagues while in Dearborn. Sixteen CRN meetings were held over the three days, including 8 project meetings, 7 committee meetings, and one writing group meeting.

The CRN concurrent session, entitled "Five Years of Data Collection and Management on the CRN: are Collaboration and Control Incompatible?" featured results from the PM Outcomes study and the HRT Initiation and Cessation study. Panelists Diana Buist (GHC), Terry Field (Meyers), Ann Geiger (KPSC), Gene Hart (GHC), Rich Platt (HPHC), Marianne UlcickasYood (HFHS), and Ed Wagner (GHC), then deliberated about the various challenges inherent in multi-site data collection and data aggregation, using these two studies as springboards for discussion.

The SDRC Implementation group (investigators and programmers) met to discuss ways to increase both current and future use of the Virtual Data Warehouse (VDW), as use of the VDW could reduce project costs for CRN studies. Gene Hart's article (see sidebar) describes an example of successfully using this data resource. One idea for increasing VDW use is to develop sample projects that highlight the use of VDW variables. The group also discussed plans for developing additional data structures, such as laboratory data, diagnostic and therapeutic radiology, and others.

Input on this topic is welcome, and may be sent to Gene ( org). The CRN Steering Committee also met for an evening meeting on the second day of the conference. The Committee agreed to implement a Strategic Planning Subcommittee (see "Ed's Corner" on Page 1) that will address the multifaceted issues related to successful re-competition of the CRN in 2006-2007. The Strategic Planning Subcommittee will involve a small group of CRN investigators who will develop a strategic plan for the next CRN renewal and beyond, using other CRN resources and committees to assist them as needed. When the Subcommittee's charge, process, and activities are formalized, periodic updates will be provided to all CRN members.

As always, the "face time" with colleagues was extremely worth-while. Henry Ford's team members put on a terrific conference and were very accommodating of the CRN's 16 additional meetings. Next stop for the HMO Network Conference is Santa Fe in April 2005.


(see picture on Page 1)

Brittany Davidson (14yrs old), daughter of Maurleen Davidson (editor of the CRN Connection) recently won the gold medal at the Regional and gold medal at the National Jr. Olympic Gymnastics Competition in April. She is ranked #1 in the Nation by the United States Association of Gymnastics. Brittany looks forward to competing in an international meet in Puerto Rico in June. Good luck, Brittany!

-Chelsea Jenter, GHC
National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services