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Volume 30;  1914
Atmospheric Air in Relation to Tuberculosis
Guy Hinsdale
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: i–136.1.
PMCID: PMC2307765
President's Address
J. M. Anders
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 1–8.
PMCID: PMC2307772
The Climate of South-Western Alberta
R. F. Stupart
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 9–15.
PMCID: PMC2307766
Housing and its Relation to Climate and Health
Estes Nichols
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 16–26.
PMCID: PMC2307782
A Sketch of the Origin of Auscultation and Percussion and of the State of Clinical Medicine in the time of Auenbrugger and Laënnec
Richard Cole Newton
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 27–38.
PMCID: PMC2307787
Percussion of the Lungs
Nathaniel K. Wood
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 39–48.
PMCID: PMC2307791
Some Unsolved and Debatable Problems in Tuberculosis
Edward O. Otis
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 49–65.
PMCID: PMC2307781
Subnormal Temperature in Tuberculosis
Arthur K. Stone
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 66–77.
PMCID: PMC2307777
The Pottery Industry and its Relation to Tuberculosis
H. R. M. Landis
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 78–98.
PMCID: PMC2307792
The Comparative Values of the Von Pirquet and the Subcutaneous Tuberculin Tests in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Adult
Hugh M. Kinghorn
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 99–128.
PMCID: PMC2307771
The Advantages of State Control over County Institutions for the Care of Consumptives
H. Longstreet Taylor
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 129–132.
PMCID: PMC2307780
The Differential Diagnosis of Mild Thyroid Toxæmia and Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis
C. G. Jennings
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 133–139.
PMCID: PMC2307785
Dry-air Baths in Treating Tuberculosis
Charles Fox Gardiner
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 140–148.
PMCID: PMC2307775
Heliotherapy in Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints
John W. Brannan
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 149–164.
PMCID: PMC2307767
Report of Four Cases of Tubercular Meningitis with apparent Permanent Arrestment
Chas. C. Browning
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 165–181.
PMCID: PMC2307794
Some of the Problems of Private Sanatoria for Tuberculosis as observed during Ten Years' Experience in the Pottenger Sanatorium for Diseases of the Lungs and Throat
Francis M. Pottenger
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 182–195.
PMCID: PMC2307776
A Case Report on Empyma due to Actinomycosis
Burt R. Shurly
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 196–199.
PMCID: PMC2307779
The Effect of High-frequency Currents on Respiration and Circulation
William Gray Schauffler
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 200–204.
PMCID: PMC2307789
The Inter-relationship of Dry Pleurisy, Pleurisy with Effusion and Empyema
Cleaveland Floyd
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 205–221.
PMCID: PMC2307768
Blood-pressure Studies with especial reference to the “Energy Index” and the “Cardiac Load.”
George William Norris and J. R. Davies
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 222–232.
PMCID: PMC2307786
How shall we tell whether the Myocardium is Competent?
John M. Swan
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 233–257.
PMCID: PMC2307793
Angina Pectoris
De Lancey Rochester
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 258–272.
PMCID: PMC2307788
Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Louis Hamman
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 273–289.
PMCID: PMC2307783
Pilocarpine in High Blood-pressure
William Duffield Robinson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 290–304.
PMCID: PMC2307784
Memorial of Dr. Le Fevre
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: xx-2-xxii, xxiii.
PMCID: PMC2307790
Memorial of Dr. Peale
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: xxii.2–xxiv.
PMCID: PMC2307773
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: iv.
PMCID: PMC2307778
Corrects:Hugh M. Kinghorn. The Comparative Values of the Von Pirquet and the Subcutaneous Tuberculin Tests in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Adult. Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1914; 30: 99–128.
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Administrative content — journal masthead, notices, indexes, etc.
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