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Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Nicotine Activity Two

The student will understand that nicotine is a highly addictive drug and that once someone has become addicted, it is very difficult to stop smoking, even in the face of serious health consequences.

The students will call local hospitals to obtain the names of physicians who provide treatment to people trying to stop their use of tobacco products. The students will then compose a letter to one or more of these physicians inviting them to come and speak to the class on the difficulties associated with quitting smoking or the use of other tobacco products. Prior to the visit by the physician, the students will prepare a list of questions that they would like to ask. These questions might include the following: 1) How many people succeed the first or even second time they try to stop smoking? 2) How many people try repeatedly to quit smoking without success? 3) Do people still smoke even when they have a life-threatening illness, such as heart disease or lung cancer?

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