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Title: Carotenoids, vitamin A and risk of adenomatous polyp recurrence in the polyp prevention trial.
Author: Steck-Scott S, Forman MR, Sowell A, Borkowf CB, Albert PS, Slattery M, Brewer B, Caan B, Paskett E, Iber F, Kikendall W, Marshall J, Shike M, Weissfeld J, Snyder K, Schatzkin A, Lanza E
Journal: Int J Cancer 112(2):295-305
Year: 2004
Month: November

Abstract: One trial reported beta-carotene supplementation was protective of adenomatous polyp recurrence in nonsmokers. We now examine the relation of serum and dietary carotenoids and vitamin A to adenomatous polyp recurrence in a subcohort of 834 participants in a low fat, high fiber, high fruit and vegetable dietary intervention, the Polyp Prevention Trial. Multivariate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of polyp recurrence were obtained using baseline or the average (first 3 years of the trial) carotenoid and vitamin A values after adjustment for covariates. Compared to the lowest quartile of baseline alpha-carotene concentrations, the OR of multiple polyp recurrence for the highest quartile was 0.55 (95% CI = 0.30-0.99) and the OR of right-sided recurrence was 0.60 (95% CI = 0.37-0.95). Baseline dietary intakes of alpha-carotene and vitamin A from food with/without supplements were inversely associated with any recurrence (p for linear trend = 0.03-alpha-carotene; p = 0.004 and p = 0.007 -intakes of vitamin A). Compared to the lowest quartile of averaged beta-carotene concentrations, the OR of multiple adenomas for the highest quartile was 0.40 (95% CI = 0.22-0.75) with an inverse trend (p = 0.02). The risk was inversely related to averaged: alpha-carotene concentrations and right-sided polyps; alpha-carotene intake and recurrence of any, multiple and right-sided polyps; beta-carotene intake and multiple adenoma recurrence; vitamin A from food (with supplements) and each adverse endpoint. Thus, alpha-carotene and vitamin A may protect against recurrence in nonsmokers and nondrinkers or be indicative of compliance or another healthy lifestyle factor that reduces risk.