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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health

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Title: An expanded cohort study of cancer among benzene-exposed workers in China. Benzene Study Group.
Author: Yin SN, Hayes RB, Linet MS, Li GL, Dosemeci M, Travis LB, Zhang ZN, Li DG, Chow WH, Wacholder S, Blot WJ
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1339-1341
Year: 1996
Month: December

Abstract: An expanded cohort study of 74,828 benzene-exposed and 35,805 unexposed workers were followed during 1972 to 1987, based on a previous study in 12 cities in China. A small increase was observed in total cancer mortality among benzene-exposed compared with unexposed workers (relative risk [RR] = 1.2). Statistically significant excesses were noted for leukemia (RR = 2.3), malignant lymphoma (RR = 4.5), and lung cancer (RR = 1.4). When risks were evaluated by leukemia subtype, only acute myelogenous leukemia was significantly elevated (RR = 3.1), although nonsignificant excesses were also noted for chronic myelogenous leukemia (RR = 2.6) and acute lymphocytic leukemia (RR = 2.3). A significant excess was also found for aplastic anemia.