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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - February, 2004

Research Findings - CTN

CTN-0001&0002 - More opiate addicts undergoing short term (13 days) inpatient or outpatient detoxification completed the treatment and were drug free when treated with buprenorphine/naloxone than clonidine: Inpatient 29% vs. 5%, out patient 77% vs. 22%). (Ling)

CTN-0005 - Substance abusing patients assigned to one 2-hour clinical evaluation session of Motivational Interviewing completed more counseling sessions and were more likely to be enrolled at the treatment program during the next 28 days than the standard care patients. (Ball and Carroll)

CTN-0006 &0007 - Stimulant abusers entering methadone compared to those entering drug free programs are older, more likely to have medical problems, less likely to have work history, more likely to be using opiates, stimulants & sedatives, and less likely to be alcohol or cannabis dependent. Both groups have substantial unemployment, substantial psychiatric co-morbidity, high rates of nicotine use, and modest rates of cannabis use. (Stitzer)


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