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Compensation System

(Applicable to core and temporary supplemental staff. Per diem employees excluded.)

General Principles

There will be three components of compensation: Base Pay, Supplemental Pay and Premium Pay. All components of pay will be managed within resource allocations.

Base Pay

Base Pay Ranges

General Increases to Pay Ranges

Individual Pay Rates - Entry

Individual Pay Rates - Within Band Increases

Individual Pay Rates - Downward Adjustment
Reduction of an employee's pay rate may be done to properly recognize the alignment of an employee's competencies with requirements of a position. Such actions may be done involuntarily, based on managerial assessment, or at the employee's request. If done involuntarily, the reduction is subject to the CC Adverse Actions process.

Supplemental Pay

General Provisions and Authority

Supplemental Pay Factors

The following factors may be considered in the establishment of individual supplemental pay:

Premium Pay

The premium pay system will be established to reflect practice in competitor hospitals and to meet CC compensation and staffing needs. All Clinical Research Support employees will be eligible for premium pays with the exception of employees in Band III of Clusters 1 and 2 (Note: policy change approved by Dr. John Gallin on 1/9/2006). Premium pay provisions that are available under the Title 38 premium pay system are available for use in the CRS at the discretion of the CC Director.

Rate Adjustments
The Director, CC has the authority to adjust percentages of premium pay based upon surveys of nonfederal medical facilities in the labor market. Adjustments may be either CC-wide or for specific occupations/bands.

Alternative Premium Plans
(authority used at the discretion of the CC Director when programmatic need justifies use of this option). Examples of Potential Plans: