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Awards From Outside Organizations: Approved for NIH Employees

NIH employees make outstanding contributions to the biomedical sciences that are frequently recognized by outside organizations in the form of awards. Employees may accept these awards subject to the regulations (5 CFR 2635.204(d) and 5 CFR 5501.111). For general information on awards, see Awards from Outside Organizations

The Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH, is charged with the responsibility to pre-screen all awards given by non-Federal organizations which offer a cash gift.  The ACD considers whether the award is made as part of an established program of recognition under which:

  1. awards have been made on a regular basis or which is funded, wholly or in part, to ensure its continuation on a regular basis, and
  2. the selection of the award recipient is made pursuant to written standards.

The ACD makes recommendations to the NIH DEC, who has final approval authority for whether individual awards meet these criteria.

Awards that only bestow the following need not be pre-screened by the ACD.  Each DEC will review and provide approval, if appropriate.

The following awards offering cash gifts have been pre-screened by the ACD and determined by the NIH DEC to satisfy the regulatory requirements. With prior approval from their DEC, NIH employees may accept the cash gifts associated with these awards where acceptance would be consistent with all applicable rules.   See Awards from Outside Organizations for additional information.  Awards included on the list will be updated biannually in June and December, following the meetings of the ACD.  Awards can be removed if determined to no longer meet the criteria for acceptance.

View the printable Awards List (pdf)

Organization Granting the Award Award Name
Advances in Neuroblastoma Research (ANR) Best Paper Award on the presentation of "The MYCN Oncogene is a Direct Target of miR-34a" (12/08)
Albany Medical Center Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research (2/05)
Albert & Mary Lasker Foundation Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards (2/05)
Alcon Research Institute Alcon Research Institute Award (12/08)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt Research Award (2/06)  (See Note below)
American Academy of Dermatology
  • Awards for Young Investigators in Dermatology (2/05)
  • Marion B Sulzberger Memorial Award & Lectureship (3/05)
  • Lila Gruber Memorial Cancer Research Award (3/05)
  • Astellas Award (12/07)
  • Eugene Von Scott Award for Innovative Therapy (6/08)
American Academy of Neurology
  • S. Weir Mitchell Award (3/05)
  • Alliance Awards: Founders (3/05)
  • Dreifuss-Penry Epilepsy Award (3/05)
  • S. Weir Mitchell Award (3/05)
  • Alliance Awards: Founders (3/05)
  • Dreifuss-Penry Epilepsy Award (3/05)
  • Harold Wolff-John Graham Award (3/05)
  • John Dystel Prize for Multiple Sclerosis Research (3/05)
  • Medical Student Essay Award - Extended Neuroscience Award (3/05)
  • Medical Student Essay Award - G. Milton Shy Award (3/05)
  • Medical Student Essay Award - Roland P. Mackay Award (3/05)
  • Medical Student Essay Award - Saul R. Korey Award (3/05)
  • Michael S. Pessin Stroke Leadership Prize (3/05)
  • Movement Disorders Research Award (3/05)
  • Normal Geschwind Prize in Behavioral Neurology (3/05)
  • Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick's Alzheimer's and Related Diseases (3/05)
  • Preuss Award in Clinical Neuro-Oncology (3/05)
  • Research Award in Geriatric Neurology (3/05)
  • Sheila Essey Award - An Award for ALS Research (3/05)
  • Sleep Science Award (3/05)
  • AAN Award for Creative Expression of Human Values in Medicine (3/05)
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Clinical (2/05)
  • Research Award (2/05)
  • Kappa Delta Award (2/05)
  • Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award (2/05)
American Association of Anatomists R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology (6/08)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Crystal APPLE Award (12/08)
American Association for Cancer Research
  • AACR-AstraZeneca Scholarship-in-Training Award (12/06)
  • AACR-Aflac Scholarship-in-Training Award (12/06)
  • AACR-GSK Outstanding Scholar Award (6/08)
  • AACR-Merck Scholarship-in-Training Award (6/08)
  • Dorothy P. Landon AARC Prize for Translation Cancer Research (6/07)
  • Brigid G. Leventhal Scholar Award (6/07)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Scholor-in-traning Award (12/07)
  • MEG Scholar in Training (6/08)
  • AACR-ACS Award for Research Excellence in
    Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention (12/08)
American Association for Dental Research (AADR) AADR Distinguished Scientist Award (6/08)
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science AALAS Poster Sessions Award Laboratory Investigations Category (6/07)
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus AAPOS Young Researchers Award (6/07)
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Distinguished Service Award (2/06)
American Association of Blood Banks
  • SBB Scholarship Awards (3/05)
  • Baxter Transfusion Medicine Scholarship Award (3/05)
American Association of Clinical Chemistry

AACC Lectureship Award (5/05)

American Association of Clinical Chemistry - Nutrition Division Garry Labbe Award (12/07)
American Association of Immunologists
  • AAI-Dana Foundation Award in Human Immunology Research (12/07)
  • AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award (6/08)
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Preuss Research Award (6/08)
American Chemical Society, Division of Medicinal Chemistry The Bristol-Myers Squibb Smissman Award (6/07)
American College of Clinical Pharmacy Russell R. Miller Award (12/08)
American College of Epidemiology Abraham Lilienfeld Award (6/06)
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Daniel H. Efron Research Award (2/05)
  • Joel Elkes Resarch Award (2/05)
  • Paul Hoch Distinguished Service Award (2/05)
  • Julius Axelrod Mentorship Award (3/05)
American College of Physicians
  • Second Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award (6/06)
  • Mastership of the American College of Physicians (6/08)
  • National Associates Research Abstract Competition (6/06)
American College of Psychiatrists Stanley Dean Award for Research in Schizophrenia (2/05)
American College of Rheumatology
  • ACR Awards of Distinction and Masters (2/05)
  • Rheumatology Fellow Award (6/06)
American Diabetes Association National Achievement Awards (3/05)
American Dietetic Association Huddleson Award (12/07)
American Gastroenterological Association The Master Award for Sustained Achievement in Digestive Sciences (6/07)
American Heart Association
  • Elizabeth Barrett-Connor Research Award in Epidemiology (2/05)
  • Young Investigator Award (12/07)
  • Eugene Braunwald Academic Mentorship Award (12/08)
  • Trudy Bush Award (12/08)
American Laryngological Association American Laryngological Association Award (6/06)
American Journal of Human Genetics C.W. Cotterman Award (6/08)
American Mensa Ltd Award for Excellence in Research (12/06)
American Pharmacist Association APHA Distinguished Federal Pharmacist (6/08)
American Physical Therapy Association
  • Jack Walker Award (2/05)
  • Section on Pediatrics Research Award (6/08)
American Physiological Society Epithelial Transport Group Young Investigator Award (6/08)
American Public Health Association David P. Rall Award for Advocacy in Public Health (12/07)
American Public Health Association, Gerontological Health Section James G. Zimmer New Investigator Research Award (6/07)
American Skin Association Research Scholar Awards (2/05)
American Society of Andrology Distinguished Andrologist Award (4/05)
American Society for Apheresis Best Abstract in Transplantation Award (6/08)
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

ASBMB Oral Presentation Award (12/06)

American Society for Blood & Marrow Transplantation New Investigator Travel Award (12/07)
American Society for Bone & Mineral Research (ASBMR)
  • ASBMR Award for Outstanding Research in the Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis (8/08)
  • ASBMR Most Outstanding Abstract Award (8/08)
  • ASBMR President's Book Award (8/08)
  • ASBMR Young Investigator Awards (8/08)
  • ASBMR Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Awards (8/08)
  • AIMM-ASBMR John Haddad Young Investigator Awards (8/08)
  • Fuller Albright Award (8/08)
  • Frederic C. Bartter Award (8/08)
  • Gideon A. Rodan Excellence in Mentorship Award (8/08)
  • Louis V. Avioli Founders Award (8/08)
  • Shirley Hohl Service Award (8/08)
  • William F. Neuman Award (8/08)
American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) The ASCI Award (4/05)
The American Society for Clinical Investigation (jointly with the American Academy of Pediatrics) Best Poster Award (12/07)
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ASCO Merit Award (12/06)
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Henry W. Elliott Award for Distinguished Service (3/05)
  • Oscar B Hunter Memorial Award in Therapeutics (3/05)
  • Gary Neil Prize for Innovation in Drug Development (3/05)
  • William B. Abrams Award in Geriatric Clinical Pharmacology (3/05)
  • Leon I. Goldberg Young Investigator Award (3/05)
  • Rawls-Palmer Progress in Medicine Lecture and Award (3/05)
American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics J. Stephen Fink Award (6/08)
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Travel Award (6/08)
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Award for Sustained Contribution to the Literature of Pharmacy Practice (12/08)
American Society of Human Genetics
  • Allan Award
  • Pre-doctoral Basic Research Award (12/07)
American Society for Investigative Pathology Chugai Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Scholarship (6/08)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  • Abbott Laboratories Award in Clinical & Diagnostic Immunology (6/08)
  • ASM Founders Distinguished Service Award (12/07)
  • bioMerieux Sonenwirth Award (2/05)
  • Dade Behring MicroScan Young Investigator Award (6/08)
  • 2007 ICAAC Young Investigator Award (12/07)
  • Promega Biotechnology Research Award (6/08)
  • Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Award (12/07)
American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair The Bernard Sandberg Memorial Award for Brain Repair (6/07)
American Society for Nutrition The Davi Kritchesky Career Achievement Award (6/08)
American Society for Nutrition Diet & Cancer Research Interest Section Emerging Investigator Award (12/08)
American Society for Nutritional Sciences Conrad A Elvehjem Award for Public Service in Nutrition (4/05)
American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
  • Bernard B. Brodie Award in Drug Metabolism (6/06)
  • ASPET - Astellas Awards in Translational Pharmacology (12/08)
American Society for Virology 2007 Post Doctoral Travel Grant (12/07)
American Statistical Association
  • Nathan Mantel Award for Lifetime Contributions to Statistics in Epidemiology (2/06)
  • New Investigator Award (12/07)
American Telemedicine Association President's Award for Advancement of Telemedicine (6/08)
American Thyroid Association Van Meter Award (12/06)
American Veterinary Epidemiology Society Karl F. Meyer - James H. Steele Gold Cane Award (12/08)
American Veterinary Medical Association Charles River Prize (12/06)
Annemarie Opprecht Foundation Annemarie Opprecht Parkinson Award (12/08)
Applied System Thinking Institute Inaugural ASysT Prize (12/08)
Arthritis Foundation Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize for Arthritis Research (2/05)
Association of American Physicians Kober Medal  (6/07)
Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology and the US and Canadian Academy of Pathology Autopsy Pathology Award (6/07)
Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC Herbert W. Nickens Award (12/08)
Association of Black Women Physicians Lifetime Achievement Award (12/08)
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS)
  • Pharmacy Awards (2/05)
  • James A. McCallam Award (12/08)
Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals ARHP Merit Awards (2/05)
Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Howard Bremer Scholarship (6/08)
Becton Dickinson Biosciences Rolduc BD Biosciences Poster Prize (6/08)
Biocore/BioTechniques Award for Excellence (Poster Award) (12/06)
BioMed Central Journal of Medical Case Reports Award (12/08)
Biophysical Society
  • Avanti Award (2/05)
  • Distinguished Service Award (2/05)
  • Emily M. Gray Award (2/05)
  • Fellow of the Biophysical Society (2/05)
  • Founders Award (2/05)
  • Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award (2/05)
  • Michael & Kate Barany Award for Young Investigators (2/05)
Bones & Teeth Gordon Research Conference Bones and Teeth Gordon Research Travel Awards (12/07)
British Association for Psychopharmacology Wyeth Psychopharmacology Awards (Pre-clinical Psychopharmacology and Clinical Psychopharmacology) (12/07)
British Blood Transfusion Society James Blundell Award (3/05)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Distinguished Achievement Awards (2/05)
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Awards in Biomedical Sciences
Caledonian Research Foundation Caledonian Prize Lectureship (12/06)
Canada Gairdner Global Health Canada Gairdner Global Health Award (12/08)
Castilla del Pino Federation Castilla del Pino Award for Achievement in Psychiatry (3/05) (See Note below)
Center for American Women and Politics
  • Good Housekeeping Award for Women in Government (2/05)
  • Housekeeping/Wyeth Award for Women's Health (2/05)
The Centro Mangrella Foundation Mauizio Mangrella Award in Neuroscience  (12/06)
Chemical Society of Washington Hillebrand Prize (6/07)
Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
  • Frank Annuzio Awards (4/05)
  • Homeland Security Awards (4/05)
Clinical Ligand Assay Society Distinguished Scientist Award (2/06)
Cognitive Neuroscience Society George A Miller Prize in Cognitive Research (4/05)
The College on Problems of Drug Dependence J. Michael Morrison Award  (12/06)
Collegium International Neuro-psyco-pharmacologicum Young Investigator Award (12/06)
Colleguim Ota-Rhino Larynogologicum Amicitiae Sacrum 2007 Acta Oto-Laryngologicia Prize (12/07)
Comprehensive Cancer Center/Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital & Richard J. Solove Research Institute at Ohio State University Herbert & Maxine Block Memorial Lectureship Award (12/06)
Conchita Rabago de Jimenez Diaz Foundation Jimenez Diaz Memorial Lecture (6/07)
Conquer Fragile X CFXF Rising Star Award (Best Poster) (12/07)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
  • Gerald L. Klerman Investigator Award (6/08)
  • Gerald L. Klerman Senior Investigator Award (6/08)
Dermatology Nurses' Association Dermik Laboratories Career Mobility Scholarship (2/05)
Desert AIDS Project Science and Medicine Award (12/08)
Endocrine Society
  • Endocrinology & Molecular Endocrinology Student Author Awards (6/08)
  • Distinguished Educator Award (8/08)
  • Distinguished Physician Award (8/08)
  • Edwin B. Astwood Award Lecture (8/08)
  • Ernst Oppenheimer Award (8/08)
  • Fred Conrad Koch Award (8/08)
  • Richard E. Weitzman Memorial Award (8/08)
  • Robert H. Williams Distinguished Leadership Award (8/08)
  • Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Service Award (8/08)
  • Endocrine Society Travel Awards (12/08)
European Institute of Oncology European Institute of Oncology Breast Cancer Award (12/08)
FEBS Journal FEBS Journal Prize  (12/06)
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology  Excellence in Science Award (3/05)
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Balillet Latour Health Prize in Immunity and Infectious Diseases (2/06)
Fondation de France Jacques Monod Award (12/07)
Fondation Jean-Pierre Lecocq Jean-Pierre Lecocq Prize (6/06)
Foundation for the NIH and the NIH Virology Interest Group Normal P. Saltzman Award in Virology  (12/06)
French Association of Cancer Research Leopold Griffuel Prize (2/06) (See Note below)
Gairdner Foundation Gairdner Foundation International Awards (2/05)
  • Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Award (6/07)
  • Fire Prevention and Safety Award (6/07)
  • Physical Rehabilitation Award (6/07)
  • Traffic Safety and Accident Prevention Award (6/07)
General Motors Cancer Research Foundation GM Cancer Research Prizes (2/05)
Gerontological Society of America Nathan Shock New Investigator Award  (12/06)
German Society of Virology Leoffler-Frosch Award (3/05)
Global Health Council Dr Nathan Davis International Awards (2/05)
Hans Popper Hepathopathlogy Society Pathologist-in-Training Award (12/08)
Harvard Medical School Ruth and William Silen Award (12/07)
Harvard School of Public Health Marvin Zelen Leadership Award  (12/06)
Harvard University Innovations in American Government Program (2/05)
Health Improvement Institute Award for Excellence in Human Research (6/08)
Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education The Helen Keller Prize for Vision Research (6/08)
HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Desease Society of America 2007 HIVMA Emerging Leader in Clinical Education Award (12/07)
Illinois Society of Microbiology Pasteur Award (6/08)
Intercultural Cancer Council ICC Hope Award (12/08)
International Association for Dental Research (IADR) & American Association for Dental Research
  • Salivary Research Award  (12/06)
  • IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Oral Medicine and Pathology Research (6/07)
International Bioiron Society Novartis Presidents Award (Best Young Scientist Presentation) (12/07)
International Congress of GRS and the IGF Travel Award (12/08)
International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR) ICRR Travel Awarad (6/08)
International Cytokine Society
  • Post-doctoral Investigator Award (12/07)
  • Outstanding Scholar Award (12/08)
  • Young Investigator Award (12/08)
International Mammalian Genome Society 2006 International Mammalian Genome (6/07)
International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) Linda Trunzo Humanitarian Award  (12/06)
International Society for Interferon & Cytokine Research Millstein Award (3/05)
International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics ISSX North American Scientific Achievement Award  (12/06)
Institute of Medicine, National Academies of Science
  • Rhoda & Bernard Sarnat International Award in Mental Health (2/05)
  • Gustav O. Lienhard Award (2/05)
International Society for Eye Research
  • Endre A. Balazs Prize (2/05)
  • Ernst H. Barany Prize (2/05)
Japan Rheumatism Foundation Japan Rheumatism Foundation International Award (6/06)
Jellinek Memorial Fund Jellinek Memorial Award (12/07)
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Research Festival Top Abstract Award (12/08)
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Margaret Merrell Award for Excellence in Research (12/06)
Keystone Symposia
  • Anita Roberts Young Scientist Scholarship Award (6/08)
  • Global Health Travel Awards and Travel Scholarships (12/07)
  • Keystone Symposia Minority Scholarship Award (12/07)
Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program (2/06)
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association KUSCO-KSEA Scholarship for Graduate Students in the US (12/08)
Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology Roger Demers Prize (6/08)
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Nurse of the Year Award (6/08)
Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Prize for Health Research (6/07)
Lymphoma Foundation of America Young Scientist Award (6/08)
Maureen & Mike Mansfield Foundation Mansfield Fellowship Program (2/05)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Edward M Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience Research (4/05)
  • The $500,000 Lemelson MIT Award for Invention & Innovation (12/06)
  • The $100,000 Lemelson MIT Award for Sustainability  (12/06)
MD Anderson Cancer Center Annual John Mendelssohn Award
Medical Library Association
  • Thomson Scientific/Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award (2/05)
  • Lucretia W. McClure Excellence in Education Award (6/07)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research (4/05)
Microscopy Society of America (MSA) MSA Presidential Student Award (6/07)
Mid-Atlantic Association of Blood Banks Mary C. Doerr Meritorious Services Award (12/08)
Millennium Prize Foundation Millennium Technology Prize (4/05)
Myrovlytis Trust Myrovlytis Trust Travel Award - BHD Symposium (12/08)
The Nation's Voice on Mental Illness The Russell Belyea Research Award (6/06)
National Academy of Engineering (NAE) NAE Awards (2/05)
The National Association of Federal Veterinarians Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award (6/06)
National Center for Healthcare Leadership Annual NCHL National Healthcare Leadership Award (2/06)
National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services Miles Conrad Award (6/07)
National Foundation for Cancer Research Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research (6/08)
National Foundation for Eye Research
  • Cataract Research Award (4/05)
  • Jin H. Kinoshita Lectureship Award (6/06)
Neuroscience Education Institute Lifetime Achievement Award (3/05)
Nikon Microscopy Nikon's Small World Competition (6/06)
North American Hair Research Society North American Hair Research Society Poster Award  (12/06)
North Carolina Society of Toxicology Student Merit Award (5/05)
Novartis/International Congress of Immunology Novartis Prize for Clinical Immunology (12/07)
The Obesity Society Ethan Sims Young Investigator Award (6/08)
Ochsner Clinic Foundation Alton Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Health (2/05)
Oncology Nursing Society
  • Excellence in Breast Cancer Education Award (2/05)
  • Josh Gottheil Memorial Bone Marrow Transplant Career (2/05)
  • Development Award (2/05)
  • Excellence in Oncology Nursing: Sensitive Patient Outcomes Award (12/06)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Promoting Health in the Americas Abraham Horwitz Award for Leadership in Inter-American Health (3/05)
Partnership for Public Service Federal Employees of the Year Award (12/07)
Passano Foundation, Inc. Passano Award (12/08)
Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society Nursing Case Presentation Poster (2/06)
The Peter Gruber Foundation The Genetics Prize (6/06)
Philanthropic Collaborative for Integrative Medicine Bravewell Leadership Award (2/05)
Population Association of America Robert J. Lapham Award (6/07)
Prince Mahidol Award Foundation Prince Mahidol Award (6/06)
R&D Magazine Scientist of the Year Award (2/06)
Research Triangle Park Drug Metabolism Discussion Group 2007 Best Poster Award (12/07)
Rheumatism Society of the District of Columbia Fellows Forum Rheumatism Society of the District of Columbia Fellows Forum Award (6/06)
Robert J. & Claire Pasarow Foundation
  • Pasarow Medical Research Cancer Award (5/05)
  • Pasarow Medical Research Cardiovascular Disease Award (5/05)
  • Pasarow Medical Research Neuropsychiatry Award (5/05)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Community Health Leadership Program Award  (12/06)
  • Special Gulf Coast Disaster Community Health Leadership Award (12/06)
Rolex Awards for Enterprise Rolex Awards for Enterprise (2/05)
Rutgers University Elizabeth C. Miller & James A. Miller Distinguished Lecture Award in Experimental Oncology (6/08)
Sabin Vaccine Institute Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal Award (5/05)
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. American College of Neuropsycho-pharmacology
Travel Award (12/08)
Santiago Dexeus Font Foundation's Santiago Dexeus Font Foundation Award (12/08)
Scandanavian Society for Immunology Best Paper (6/08)
The Shaw Foundation The Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine  (12/06)
Society for Endocrinology Transatlantic Medal Award (3/05)
Society for Epidemiologic Research Society for Epidemiologic Poster Prize (12/08)
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  • Lifetime Achievement Award (6/08)
  • Young Investigator Award (6/06)
Society of Heart Attack Prevention and Eradication 2008 SHAPE Award (6/08)
Society for Hematopathology Pathologist-in-Training Award (3/05)
Society for Investigative Dermatology
  • Albert M. Kligman Travel Fellowship (6/06)
  • Eugene M. Farber Travel Award (6/08)
Societa Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG) Enrico Greppi Award (12/08)
Society for Leukocyte Biology Marie T. Bonazinga Research Award (12/07)
Society for Neuroscience (SFN)
  • Donald B. Lindsley Prize in Behavioral Neuroscience (2/05)
  • Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial Award for Innovative Research in Drug Addiction and Alcoholism (2/05)
  • SFN/AstraZeneca Young Investigator Award (3/05)
  • Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience (12/06)
Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine Student Award (12/07)
Society of Biological Psychiatry A.E. Bennett Research Award (6/07)
Society of Biomedical Research SBR/CKD Bioscience Award (12/06)
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Young Investigator Award (6/06)
Society of Toxicology Enhancement of Animal Welfare (6/06)
Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award (12/08)
State University of New York at Stony Brook Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Education by a Graduate Program Director  (12/06)
Toxicology Forum George Scott Memorial Award (2/06)
United Arab Emirates University Grand Hamdan International Award (2/06)
University of Alabama at Birmingham Janet L. Norwood Award  (12/06)
University of Cincinnati Oesper Award (2/06)
University of Iowa College of Public Health Richard & Barbara Hansen Leadership Award and Distinguished Lectureship (3/05)
University of Maryland Graduate Merit Awards (2/06)
University of Pittsburgh The Dickson Prize in Medicine (12/06)
University of Southern California Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement (2/05)
US Department of Energy Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award
Van Andel Institute Daniel Nathans Memorial Award (6/08)
Washington Statistical Society & the Research Triangle Institute Gertrude Cox Award  (12/06)
The Obesity Society Albert Mickey Stunkard Lifetime Achievement Award (12/08)
The Weizmann Institute Sergio Lombrosso Award (12/07)
Wiley Foundation Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences (2/05)
The Will Rogers Institute Will Rogers Prize (12/07)
Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation Best Poster Presentation (12/07)

Note:  This award is from a foreign entity and requires additional screening.  Talk to your ethics office staff right away.

Bulleted List: Multiple awards granted

For additional information, contact your IC's  Deputy Ethics Counselor or  Ethics Coordinator.

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Updated: 1/19/09