
Congratulations on your decision to pursue a Clinical Fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. As a Clinical Fellow at the NIH you have an opportunity to not only develop state of the art clinical skills for outstanding patient care in your field of medicine, but also have the unique opportunity to take part in cutting edge clinical research in one of the world's largest research hospitals. Regardless of whether your goal is to become a physician scientist, clinical researcher, academic leader in medicine, or community doctor, there are numerous resources available to you during your fellowship to assist you in accomplishing your goals.

This Clinical FelCom website was designed by clinical fellows with the assistance of the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education to serve as a central point of information for incoming and current Clinical Fellows. The website provides an overview about the various NIH-based resources that are available to fellows in addition to information on how they may be accessed. By taking full advantage of the NIH educational and research environment, clinical fellows can maximize academic, professional, and personal growth during the fellowship years laying the foundation for transition into research oriented career pathways.

Last updated on: 03/17/2008