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CRN NewsLetter
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 Volume III, Issue 4 December 2002 

CRN News and Notes

On November 21, the CRN submitted its "Best and Final Offer" in response to recommendations made by NCI and the reviewers. Thanks to all 11 sites for their work to complete this final step in the renewal process!

CRN II to start March 1. Due to federal budgetary constraints, NCI will award the new CRN grant on March 1, 2003. The CRN will continue to operate via a no-cost extension in January and February of 2003.

Hold the date! The 2003 HMO Research Network Conference will be held in Denver on April 1-2. CRN meetings will be scheduled around these dates. If your team would like to arrange a time to meet, please contact Robin Altaras at

Going Public... Contact Martin Brown if you're interested in presenting at an upcoming NCI Seminar. (NCI will i)av vour travel!)

The CRN is working with colleagues at NCI to develop a public web site. It's hoped the site will go live in late spring 2003. Stay tuned for more details.

CRN Contributors

CRN Productivity

The CRN has racked up some impressive numbers in its first four years.
Unabashedly, we decided to tally some of our milestones...


The Steering and Academic Liaison Committees
The Steering and Academic Liaison Committees met in early October at the NCI. The meeting featured great presentations from Lisa Herrinton, Ann Geiger, Suzanne Fletcher, Judy Mouchawar, Carol Somkin and Laurie Habel. Visit the CRN web site for a summary of the proceedings.
Pictured: (Back, /-r)Vic Stevens, Tom Vogt, Mark Hombrook, Martin Brown, Dennis Tolsma, Ed Wagner, Bill Barlow, Gene Hart, Robin Altaras, Virginia Quinn. (Front, l-r) Sarah Greene, Ann Geiger, Rachel Ballard-Barbash, Joyce Gilbert, Lisa Herrinton, Chris Johson, Cheri Rolnick, Suzanne Fletcher, Terry Field, and Joan Holuo.

It's Not Too Late!
Please return your2002 CRN Participant Survey!

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