Neuroscience at NIH is Proud to Host a Workshop on

Synapses: Postsynaptic Mechanisms of Plasticity

March 8-10, 2009

Airlie Conference Center
Warrenton, VA 20187

Chris McBain, NICHD
Katherine Roche, NINDS
Bob Wenthold, NIDCD

This workshop will bring together a group of outstanding researchers (investigators, postdoctoral fellows, and students) representing the diversity in the field to assess the current status of the field, discuss strategies for future research directions and to establish a foundation for interdisciplinary collaboration. The program will include presentations from invited speakers, short talks selected from submitted abstracts, and poster sessions. The full program will be posted on this website by mid-January.


Veronica Alvarez
Mark Bear
Nils Brose
Pablo Castillo
Jeremy Henley
Rick Huganir
John Isaac
Julie Kauer
Jean-Claude Lacaille
Rob Malenka
Robert Malinow
Chris McBain
Roger Nicoll
Ron Petralia
Lynn Raymond
Katherine Roche
Bernardo Sabatini
Anne Stephenson
Susumu Tomita
Larry Trussell
Stefano Vicini
Kuan Wang
Richard Weinberg
Marina Wolf
Suzanne Zukin

Session Chairs:

Dax Hoffmann
Steve Ikeda
Hey-Kyoung Lee
David Lovinger
Bai Lu
Scott Thompson


Pre-registration through January 16, 2009 for invited participants followed by open registration until capacity is reached, but no later than February 23.

The workshop will involve day and evening sessions as part of an integrated educational program. Complete attendance is encouraged. Registration is for all sessions, lodging for two nights, and all meals. If you have a change in plans, please notify Denise Rogers as soon as possible to allow us to fill the space from the waiting list.