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 Volume VI, Issue 1 February 2005 


2005 CRN Meetings at the HMORN Conference


Key: HMORN Conference Schedule Key

The Annual HMO Research Network Conference is being held in Santa Fe, NW on April 4-6, 2005.

Above is a grid of the CRN meetings that have been scheduled at the conference. The meetings will take place in the Hilton or Eldorado conference hotels. The hotels are located across the street from each other. If you have any questions regarding these meetings, please contact Maurleen Davidson (GHC),

Project meeting conveners are:
MENU - Chris Johnson (HFHS)
BOW - Becky Silliman (BU)
HT Diffusion - Diana Buist (GHC)
IMPACT - FeiFei Wei (HPRF)
Quality of Care - Sarah Greene (GHC)
DCIS - Laurie Habel (KPNC)
SDRC - Gene Hart (GHC)
Racial Disparities - Terry Field (Meyers)
Ovarian Cancer - Lisa Herrinton (KPNC)
PM Outcomes -Ann Geiger (KPSC)
Obesity -Cheri Rolnick (HPRF)
Survivorship -Ann Geiger (KPSC)
HIT2 -Vic Stevens (KPNW)

The Cancer Prevention Research Concurrent Session will take place on Tuesday, April 5 at 11:30am in the Anasazi North room at the Eldorado hotel. This session will examine cancer prevention in many contexts and emphasize strategies to integrate research into cancer care.

For more details, the agenda can be viewed by accessing the following link:

-Maurleen Davidson, GHC

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