How Can TUS-CPS Data Be Used?
Currently available data files (for 2003, 2001-2002, 2000, 1998-1999, 1995-1996,
1992-1993) can be used to track trends in tobacco use over time. Most of the same files
can also be used to assess trends in tobacco control efforts, including both formal
workplace and home restrictions on smoking, and the advice of a doctor, dentist, or
other health professional to stop smoking.
Because of the large sample size for most survey items, analyses can be done at either
the national or state levels, and in some cases, for areas smaller than the state
Researchers who are interested in the economic aspects of tobacco use can take
advantage of the fact that the CPS collects detailed occupational and economic data that
can be related to tobacco use because of the panel design of the CPS.
(The March 2003
Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) Supplement (PDF) (revised 05/16/06)
available from the US Census Bureau contains an example.) Other CPS supplements
such as Internet and Computer Use, Food Security, and starting with the 2003 version, the American Time
Use Supplement may be combined with the Tobacco Use Supplement data to enrich analysis and
answer other important research questions.
As an example of the types of tables that can be produced using TUS data, some basic
estimates from the 2003,
2001-2002, and
1998-1999 data files are provided.