What Are the Current and Past TUS Survey Findings?
The data presented here provide examples of the type of information researchers can obtain from the Tobacco Use Supplement.
Data from the following periods are available:
The American Legacy Foundation provides a
user-friendly data tool that facilitates access to the NCI and CDC co-sponsored Tobacco
Use Supplement (TUS) to the Current Population Survey (CPS) tobacco-related data. Users
can choose several tobacco-related variables (e.g., smoking prevalence) by survey year,
geography (e.g., state), and demographics (i.e., total population, gender, age range,
race/ethnicity) to obtain tobacco-related data at the state level in both tabular and map
Please check out the American Legacy Foundation database tool at:
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention has an electronic database warehouse called the State Tobacco
Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) system which contains up-to-date and
historical state-level data on tobacco use prevention and control.
Information from the TUS-CPS data is included in this resource.
The following can be obtained from the site:
- Detailed Report - This report is by topic area (e.g. Economic), by measure (e.g.
smoking) for a state by year.
- State Comparison Report - This report displays data for selected topic area by
measure by year in all available states with Excel export capability.
- Trend Report - This report displays data for selected topic area, by measure,
multiple sub-topics (e.g. average cost per pack), by years and states with graphic output
option and Excel export capability.
- Tobacco Control Highlights Report - This report displays current state-based
information on the prevalence of tobacco use, the health impact and costs associated with
tobacco use, and tobacco excise tax drawing from multiple sources within the system.
Check out this electronic data warehouse at:
The National Longitudinal Mortality Study
(NLMS) is a database developed for the purpose of studying the effects of demographic
and socio-economic characteristics on differentials in US mortality rates not covered as
extensively in other databases. There are approximately 3 million records with over
250,000 identified mortality cases. This research database consists of US Census Bureau
data from the Current Population Surveys, Annual Social, and Economic Supplements, and a
subset of the 1980 Census combined with death certificate information to identify
mortality status and cause of death.