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Animations, Illustrations, Photos

  1. Radiation Concepts
    1. Learn the Basics:
    2. Contamination
    3. Exposure
    4. Dose Rate Effect of Radiation Exposure
    5. Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required
    6. Radiation Shielding
    7. Alpha Radiation
    8. Beta Radiation
    9. Becquerel
    10. Electromagnetic Radiation: Ionizing and Non-ionizing
    11. Decay rate/half-life of radioisotopes
    12. Atomic Number and Atomic Mass

  2. Decontamination
    1. Use of Shower for External Decontamination
    2. Decontamination Facilities and Procedures
    3. Radiation Decontamination: 6 part audio-video demonstration (REAC/TS) Watch video
      1. Dressing by health care providers to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination
      2. Preparing the area to receive contaminated patients
      3. Removing clothing from a contaminated patient
      4. Surveying for radiation contamination: procedures
      5. Decontaminating a wound
      6. Decontaminating intact skin
    4. Video: Decontamination of Children (HHS/AHRQ, Children's Hospital Boston) Watch video
    5. Personal Protective Equipment
    6. Tyvek® Suit Used by Responders During External Decontamination of Victims
    7. Advanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Standard Precautions — How to put on and take off gear
      (PowerPoint® - 10 MB) (The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)
    8. Radiation Survey Equipment
    9. Personal Dosimeter

  3. Acute Radiation Syndrome
    1. Time/Dose Effects of ARS
    2. Time Phases of ARS
    3. Time to Onset ov Vomiting and Dose
    4. Hematopoietic Subsyndrome Treatment

  4. Radiation Effect on Blood Counts
    1. Lymphocyte Depletion Kinetics Graph used to estimate whole body dose
    2. Radiation Effects on Blood Counts (1)
    3. Radiation Effects on Blood Counts (2)
    4. Chromosome Aberrations - Dicentric Chromosomes
    5. Conventional Lymphocyte Metaphase-Dicentric Assay
    6. Scoring of Dicentrics
    7. Video: Cytogenetic Biodosimetry Process (REAC/TS) Watch video

  5. Radiation Safety
    1. Factors that Decrease Exposure Dose: Distance, Time, Shielding
    2. Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required
    3. Video: Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required (HHS/CDC) Watch video
    4. Personal Protective Clothing
    5. Tyvek® Suit Used by Responders During External Decontamination of Victims
    6. Examples of Radiation Signs and Symbols for Work Areas, Buildings, Transportation of Cargo

  6. Radiation Survey Equipment
    1. Personal Dosimeter
    2. Gallery of Radiation Survey Meters/Detection Devices - Civilian
    3. How to Perform a Survey for Radiation Contamination
    4. Body Chart for Recording Result of Radiation Survey (PDF - 49 KB)

  7. Clinical Pictures
    1. How to Recognize and Initially Respond to an Accidental Radiation Injury (PDF - 436 KB)
      - Images of Radiation Skin Effects and Injury (IAEA)
    2. Thermal Skin Burns: Example after Nuclear Blast
    3. Cutaneous Radiation Syndrome - Gallery of Clinical Photographs

  8. Radiation Control Zones
    1. Establish Patient Handling Flow
    2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP)
      Radiation Protection Perimeter Guidelines
    3. Definition of Radiation Area Boundaries
    4. Control Zone in the Emergency Department
    5. Prototype for Zones to Handle Staff/Patients in Medical Facility at Mass Casualty Incident

  9. Nuclear Explosions
    1. Nuclear Explosion: Mushroom Cloud
    2. Radioactive Plume
    3. How Energy Is Dispersed After Nuclear Explosion: Approximate
    4. Zones of Damage after Nuclear Explosion: Generalized
    5. Blast Range and Significant Effects
    6. Estimated Fallout Pattern from Nuclear Air Burst
    7. Factors That Affect Fallout
    8. Fallout: Relative Rate of Decline of Radioactivity After Nuclear Explosion
    9. How Blast Injuries Cause Trauma
    10. Flash Blindness
    11. Retinal Burn
    12. Thermal Skin Burns: Example after Nuclear Blast
    13. How Buildings Provide Shielding from a Nuclear Explosion
    14. How Nuclear Explosions Affect Dwellings: Examples
    15. Size of the Event and Potential Affected Areas

  10. Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs)
    1. Dirty Bomb: Radiological Dispersal Device Using Explosive
    2. Dispersal of Radioactive Material by Aircraft
    3. RDD: Major Pathways of Release and Interaction
    4. Dirty Bombs: Slates, B-roll, and Sound Bites for Broadcast Media Use (HHS/CDC) Watch video

  11. Radiological Exposure Devices (REDs) - Hidden Sealed Source
    1. Hidden Sealed Radioactive Source (Radiological Exposure Device) in Metro Car

  12. Miscellaneous
    1. Sample of Triage Tag for Radiation Incident (PDF - 127 KB)

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US Department of Health & Human Services     
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response National Library of Medicine