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SILK Web Hosting Services

The NIH Data Center offers Web hosting services through SILK (Secure Internet LinKed) Web technologies on the z/OS system. The Center handles all hardware/software purchases and upgrades, physical server security, connectivity, performance monitoring and tuning, and compatibility with Web technology. SILK permits data stored on the z/OS system to be accessible through the Web.

Public Server option — allows data stored on the z/OS system to be viewed by anyone with a Web browser and an Internet connection. To make your z/OS data available on the Web, you must use certain naming conventions and data set formats.

Secure Server option — displays data over the Web to a limited group of viewers. The owner of the data limits access to the data through RACF protection. Anyone accessing information on the secure server must supply a valid Titan logon. To make your z/OS data available on the Web, you must use certain naming conventions and data set formats.

Customized Servers

SILK enables you to create and run your own Web servers. You can easily upload Web pages from your desktop computer and perform all server management through your Web browser. Many useful applications, such as Web Sponsor and Web RACF run on SILK servers.

To learn the details, consult the Titan User's Guide.

For more information, please send e-mail to, and one of our staff members will contact you.

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This page last reviewed: September 12, 2008