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Part3: What if?

Sara sits in a café by herself, staring out the window and looking very pensive.

The narrator explains, “It’s been several months since Martín’s party, and Sara is in a café thinking about Kim and her secret.”

The screen focuses on Sara as she rests her face in her hands, and she thinks to herself,
“What if I hadn’t left the party early?”

The image of Sara moves to the top-left corner as images of Kim at the party appear on screen.

As Sara thinks, “Maybe I could have told her not to drink so much?” footage of Kim drinking at the party appears on the screen, while the still image of Sara at the café remains in the top-left corner.

Sara continues to think. “Maybe I could have stopped her from taking drugs from Ana?” Footage of Kim taking drugs from someone’s hand appears on the screen. A still image of Sara is in the top-left corner and a still image of Kim drinking is below it.

The image in the top-left corner fills up the screen to bring the focus back on Sara before her thoughts are interrupted by an incoming text message on her cell phone.

The screen splits to show Sara looking at her cell phone and a guy’s hand holding a cell phone as the narrator says, “Just as she is thinking about Kim, Sara gets a text from her new boyfriend.”

The clip ends with an image of a guy’s hand holding a cell phone. The narrator summarizes: “Was Kim the only one who made bad decisions that night?”

The screen changes to explain that the d’cisions Webisode series is brought to you by NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Visit for more information.

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NIDA: National Institute on Drug Abuse The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the United States Government. NIH is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH: National Institutes of Health