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Learn the link between drug abuse and the spread of HIV infection in the United States.
Part 1: The Party

Teens are dancing to music at a party when the footage pauses, and the narrator says, “It’s the night of Martín’s wild party. Kim has decided not to leave with her friends and has stayed behind to hang with Pete, a cute boy she spotted at the party.”

The screen moves, showing images of Pete and Kim sitting on the couch together. In the background, we hear the party’s music, people talking, and Kim’s and Pete’s voices.

Kim says “Hey Pete, how are you?” “…had a great game last night.”
Pete responds “You’re looking good tonight.”
Kim flirtatiously replies “Thank you.”

Kim loses track of time while hanging out with Pete. The screen changes to show her mother, Isabel, back at home, sitting with a cup of coffee, holding a phone, and staring at the clock. The narrator says, “Kim has missed curfew, and her mother, Isabel, is up waiting for her.”

The screen splits to show Isabel dialing and Kim and Pete at the party as the narrator says, “Upset, Isabel tries to call Kim.”

Back at the party, Kim is sitting on the couch, smiling while Pete whispers in her ear. In the bottom-right corner, we see Kim’s phone ringing.

The narrator says, “However, Kim is too busy flirting with Pete to realize her phone is ringing.”

At home we see Isabel still up waiting for Kim. The narrator says, “Worried that she’s been unable to reach her daughter, Isabel begins calling Kim’s friends.”

The clip ends with images of Kim and Pete at the party and Isabel at home. The narrator summarizes, “Was Kim’s wild night out worth it?”

The screen changes to explain that the d’cisions Webisode series is brought to you by NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Visit for more information.

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NIDA: National Institute on Drug Abuse The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the United States Government. NIH is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH: National Institutes of Health