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Helping Children Cope with Terrorism and War

The following organizations have resources that may be useful to parents, caregivers, and administrators as they help children and youth deal with stress related to war. NCCIC does not endorse any organization, publication, or resource.

National Organizations

Additional Resources

  • National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presented the report, National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism: Recommendations to the Secretary (June 2003) to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is available at
  • National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and National Child Traumatic Stress Network have produced Psychological First Aid: Field Operations Guide, 2nd Edition (July 2006), an evidence-informed modular approach for assisting people in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism to reduce initial distress and foster short- and long-term adaptive functioning. It is for use by mental health specialists, including first responders, incident command systems, primary and emergency health care providers, school crisis response teams, faith-based organizations, disaster relief organizations, community emergency response teams, Medical Reserve Corps, and the Citizens Corps in diverse settings. This resource is available at

Updated September 2008

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