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Clarification/HR Operational Implementation of CRS Provisions

Clarification/Operational Implementation of

Title 42 Clinical Research Support (CRS) Provisions (1/05)

Statements of Duties

For actions involving current CRS employees, a new statement of duties is only required if the employee is going into a new position (e.g., Clinical Research Nurse to a Nurse Manager).  Note: in this example, the position also would need to be advertised.

Fast Track Recruitment Request form

The Fast Track Recruitment Request form is only required when a department does not want to advertise a position. The use of Fast Track recruitment should be discussed with Tom Reed prior to completion of the Fast Track Recruitment Request form.  Dr Gallin must approve the use of Fast Track on the request form.

Voluntary Conversion Statement

All employees converting from a GS position to Title 42 CRS must sign a Voluntary Conversion Statement.  This includes employees coming from outside HHS/NIH as well as current HHS employees.

Use of Request for Individual Salary Assignment or Increase form (ISA):

Supplemental Pay/Awards

Position Titles in OHR Processing

The pay band numerator will no longer be required as part of the official title in OHR processing of the Title 42 CRS Statement of Duties Coversheet. 

Note: the pay band numerator still must be included where indicated on CRS forms prepared by Departments.